Brayn is avant-garde creative portfolio template with different aftereffect and features. This template handled by 100% Ajax with nice & bland page transition. Apple-pie and to the point, comes with some nice acknowledge furnishings (a.k.a action if area is in viewport) that assassinate well.
Note I: This template is use 100% AJAX, if you wish to plan locally – you charge to abode the book in your bounded server (e.g localhost). Accessing the book by bifold bang the HTML book will could cause Ajax not alive properly
Note II: This is HTML template NOT a WordPress theme
- Working acquaintance anatomy (note: your host php mail() action charge to alive properly)
- Full Ajax with bland page transition
- Fully Responsive
- Total ( 15 HTML files with bland annal ) + ( 15 HTML files with default/native annal )
- Modern, apple-pie design
- Valid HTML5 & CSS3
- Easy to change skin
- 4 Homepage variations
- Modern HTML5 canvas effect, powered by Pixi js
- 3 Hero advantage (parallax image, youtube video, and vimeo video)
- 3 Portfolio arcade (masonry, busline or carousel)
- W3C Validate Code
- Documentation included
- Based on bootstrap 4.1.3 with redefined columns gap
What do you get:
- Documentation
- Bryan HTML Files (with bland annal effect)
- Brayn HTML Files (Default/Native scroll)
- Source Sans Pro
- Poppins
- Appear Js
- Masonry
- Anime js
- Magnific Popup
- Pixi js
- Swiper
- Bootstrap
All images arise on audience website are not included in the download package.
Tags: agency, ajax, canvas, clean, creative, Four+ Columns, gallery, html5, modern, portfolio, responsive, showcase, transitions, unique