Bootkit is a Bootstrap based web UI kit, powered by Gulp, Bower and SCSS. Its actual simple to customise and developer friendly. It is absolutely responsive admin dashboard arrangement and actual abundant adaptive with any admeasurement viewport including iPhone, iPad, android buzz and tablet. It has a huge accumulating of reusable UI apparatus and chip with latest jQuery plugins.
Bootkit is slick, fat chargeless and able-bodied documented. Use Bootkit to addition up user acquaintance of your application, and accord it a face lift in about no time.
Features List
- Chartjs
- Clean Codes
- Bower annex management
- 7 Charts
- High Charts
- NVD3 Charts
- Morris Charts
- Multiple Layout options
- Agenda app
- Mail Inbox
- Bootstrap 3.3.7 Framework
- Flot Charts
- jQuery v2.2.4
- Gulp Task
- Rickshaw Charts
- Full SCSS Support
- Absolutely Responsive
- Font Awesome v4.7.0
- C3 Charts
- Tree
- Nestables
- Sliders
- Calendar
- Toastr Notification
- Timeline
- Advanced Data Tables
- Form Stuff
- Dropzone
- Form Wizard
- Form Advanced ( Select 2, TouchSpin, Tags input, Date picker, Time picker, Color picker, ascribe mask, iOS7 Switchery etc)
- Form Validation
- File Upload
- Text Editors (Summer note)
- Inline Editors (CK Editor)
- Profile
- Invoice
- login/Registration
- Lock Screen
- 404/500 Error page
- Multi-level Menu option