Bold – Modern Portfolio & Resume HTML Template Bold is a portfolio focus html template. It provides acknowledging apple-pie and modern html template for your artistic portfolio web site. You can use this portfolio template for: agency, claimed portfolio, freelancer, artworks, art, artisan portfolio, web architecture works, and illustrators. So every being who wants to authenticate their amazing portfolio plan to apple can use this. We accept even included alive PHP – AJAX acquaintance form
- …….& Many More
- 100% pixel absolute design
- IcoMoon
- Bootstrap based Design
- Google Map Location
- Responsive Design
- Working Acquaintance anatomy with anatomy validator
- Free Google chantry used
- Cross Browser Compatible
- One Page Layout
- Modern and apple-pie user interface
Version 1.0Initial Release
Files included:
- Documentation File
- HTML Files with All CSS & JS.
- Php File
Font Used:
- Open Sans
- Josefin Sans
Icon Used:
- IcoMoon
Source & Credits:
Owl Carousel
Images: Pexels
Mockup World
Please Note: Images are alone for audience purpose and not included with the download bundle.
If you charge any advice application the book or charge appropriate customizing amuse feel chargeless to acquaintance me via my Themeforest profile.
Tags: bootstrap, clean, creative, designer, freelancer, html, minimal, modern, one page, parallax, personal, portfolio, responsive, showcase, Three Columns, web designer, web developer