AYE is a Personal Portfolio HTML Template advised for a freelancer, artistic designer, columnist who wants to affectation their portfolio. Built with a bootstrap framework that keeps the website absolutely acknowledging and simple to customize.
- Google Fonts
- Valid HTML & CSS
- Home Particles Effect
- AOS Animations
- Font Awesome
- One page template
- Blog column page
- Cross-Browser Compatible
- Working Contact Form
- Bootstrap v3.3
- Full responsive
- Magnific Popup
- Well Documentation
- Parallax Image Background
- Bootstrap
- Typed Js
- Font Awesome Icons
- Magnific Popup
- Unsplash
- Particles
- JQuery
Note: Images are alone for audience purpose and not included with the download bundle.
Tags: blog, bootstrap, clean, creative, designer, Four+ Columns, freelancer, one page, personal, photography, portfolio, programmer, responsive, simple