The Atelier is a able HTML5 multi-purpose template fabricated with Bootstrap framework. It’s acknowledging for all of the accessories and advised with a apple-pie attending and feel, beautiful & avant-garde trend. It comes with one different blueprint which includes bags of sections, customization options and appearance for assorted purposes.
- 3 HomePages With Different Variation.
- Easy to Customize: backgrounds, blush schemes, content
- Free Updates
- Working subscribe form
- Working PHP ajax acquaintance form
- Clean & Commented Code
- Well Documented
- Build with latest Bootstrap, HTML5, and CSS3
- 12 different page templates.
- Parallax effect
- W3C validate codes
- Cross Browser Support
- Font-Awesome icons integrated
- Flexible Blueprint
- Google chantry integrated
- Error chargeless code
- 100% Acknowledging and Mobile friendly