The absolute way to cast your artistic bureau portfolio on Tumblr.
A admirable Tumblr theme for artistic agencies and freelancers, to accomplish your plan and personality shine.
Themelantic is appreciative to present Agencia — a admirable Tumblr theme for creatives. Affection your latest work, services, amusing media posts, and testimonials. All captivated up in a beautiful, customisable design!
- Integration with a MailChimp email newsletter
- A filigree blueprint for your photos, posts, and text
- Widgets for Instagram, Twitter, and Flickr
- A admirable “About” area to allotment your claimed or aggregation info
- A adjustable slider to advertise your beauteous work, photos, or team
- Space to affection your capital casework and products
- Easily change colours, typography, and architecture details
- Custom logos, notes, comments, sharing, and abundant more
Slider, Text + Links
Use a slider at the top of your website to affection your latest work, photos of your company/office/team, or annihilation abroad you’d like to highlight.
Each accelerate can accept a description, button, and hotlink attached. It’s a abundant way to bound point humans to your key pages, posts, or services.
Your Services
Three blocks on the homepage accord you amplitude to affection the key casework or articles that you offer. Anniversary can accept an icon, title, and description (and they can hotlink off to a page or URL of your choice).
The absolute way to acquaint absolutely what your bureau is able to offer. Not absorbed in this? You can about-face it off with a click.
About Us Profile
Feature some advice about your company/agency (or yourself, if you’re a freelancer) on your homepage. A abundant way to acquaint your amount message, or aggregation slogan.
Also use this befalling to hotlink to a acquaintance page, or a page that appearance a beyond contour of your company.
Square Posts
Posts are abiding in a filigree style, with a custom architecture for anniversary altered blazon of post. Whether you’re mainly administration photos, videos, quotes, or questions, your agreeable will attending stunning.
It’s simple for readers to like, reblog, or hotlink to your posts, with icons beneath anniversary post.
Tag Menu
Agencia has a full-page card at the top of anniversary page, authoritative it simple for humans to acquisition altered pages on your Tumblr blog, or seek through your posts and photos.
You can aswell access a alternative of tags to accomplish it easier for humans to cross through your portfolio.
Newsletter Integration
Agencia integrates calmly with MailChimp, to appearance a “newsletter subscribe” box at the basal of your site. It makes it simple for visitors to access their email abode and accompany your newsletter.
A absolute way to body up a acquaintance annual of new abeyant customers!
Instagram, Flickr, Dribbble, and Twitter Widgets
Agencia supports widgets for assuming your photos and designs from added places — Instagram, Dribbble, or Flickr, or thoughts and links from Twitter. You accessible these with the “exposure” figure in the appellation bar.
Social buttons let humans chase your adventures on your assorted amusing media channels — we abutment dozens of altered icons and networks (and we’re consistently abacus more!)
Sharing and Likes
With one click, visitors can allotment your agreeable beyond altered amusing channels: Twitter, Facebook, Email, and Embed. This is in accession to all the accepted Tumblr features, acceptance humans to like and reblog your portfolio of work. Don’t let your absurd agreeable go unnoticed!
You can aswell affection the added Tumblr blogs you chase in the sidebar, and posts that you’ve admired from added blogs and locations. A abundant way to allotment the love!
Related Posts
Agencia automatically finds accompanying posts to appearance afterwards your content, to accumulate humans browsing about your portfolio or blog. A abundant way to apparent accordant agreeable for your visitors.
Customise Everything
You can change any and every aspect of Agencia to bout your appearance and claimed brand. Fonts and typography, colours, layout, backgrounds, bound widths — you name it, you can customise it!, but it’s simple to put your own brand on the architecture (and we’re actuality to advice you every footfall of the way!)
Keyboard Navigation
A different affection makes it simple for your readers to flick about your site, application alone their keyboard.
H takes you home, R takes you to a accidental post, and the Left and Right arrows cross amid posts or pages. Discover a accomplished new way to browse your Tumblr site!
- Submenu with Configurable Tags – Allows the capital aeronautics to accept a submenu that is fabricated of tags and will assort the agreeable of the site.
- Slider – The homepage can accept a slider with up to 3 slides.
- Social Sharing – Posts can be aggregate to Facebook / Twitter / Pinterest.
- Widgetized Footer – This theme can yield assorted widgets: About / Twitter / Flickr / Dribbble and they will arise in footer.
- Disqus Compatible – You can add Disqus comments to your blog, just add your username.
- Fully Documented – All of the theme options are absolutely accurate in a PDF book and aswell accessible online in the audience site.
- Related Posts – Abutment for Accompanying Posts
- Social Media Icons – You can add up to 12 amusing icons with links to your profiles.
- Keyboard Navigation – You can use the Right and Left keys on your keyboard to cross amid blog posts. Use H for home and R for random.
- Google Analytics Ready – Just add the cipher and it’s set.
- Google Fonts – You can accept whatever chantry you’d like from a library of hundreds of chargeless and optimized for the web fonts.
- Photoset Grid – Photosets will absorb the custom blueprint and anniversary angel can be broadcast application a lightbox effect.
- Customizable Color Scheme – All capital colors can be afflicted application the customizer.
- SEO Ready – All SEO attempt accessible to Tumblr capacity were taken into annual in this theme.
- Expandable – It aswell appearance an attack and footer HTML cipher fields for you to add your own code.
- Responsive and Retina Ready – This theme will plan abundant in all belvedere sizes and definitions. It’s avant-garde and able to plan in avant-garde browsers.
The afterward assets accept been acclimated to actualize this theme:
- Bootstrap –
- FitVids –
- jQuery –
- jQInstaPics –
- Photoset Grid –
- timeago –
- Colorbox –
- jFlickrFeed –
- Mousetrap –
- Responsive Slides –
- Google Fonts –
- Font Awesome Icons –
Images acclimated in the audience theme are from:
- FreePik –
- Pixabay –
27th October 2017 — v1.0
- Initial Release
We’re actuality to advice you set up your theme, and adamant out any problems. Just arch over to our website to book a abutment ticket, and we’ll get aback to you aural 24 hours:
We’re aswell actuality to acknowledgment any quick questions on Twitter:
Tags: agency, bootstrap, corporate, featured, Four+ Columns, jquery, minimalism, modern, original, portfolio, premium, responsive, retina, services, slider, tumblr