Admiria is a bootstrap 4 based absolutely responsive admin template. It comes with lots of reusable and admirable UI elements, widgets and features. It allows developer to calmly body a cool alarming web application.
- Form validation
- Login, register, absurdity pages
- SASS Support
- Invoice with accessible book button
- Google maps
- Calendar view
- eCommerce Pages Included
- Light & Dark Layouts
- Invoice page
- Bootstrap 4 Alpha 6
- Landing Page Included
- Directory List page
- RTL & LTR Support
- Responsive blueprint (desktops, tablets, adaptable devices)
- Error pages included
- Drop area book upload
- 7+ Charts Library
- Email Templates
- Vertical & Horizontal Blueprint
- Clean and Flat design
- HTML5 & CSS3
- Datatables
- Summernote Editor
- D3 Charts
- Morris
- Wow.js
- Chartjs
- Magnific popup
- Stocksnap (images)
- Bootstrao touchspin
- Select 2
- Bootstrap Colorpicker
- Wysihtml5
- Peity Chart
- Datatables
- Parsleyjs (Validation)
- X-editable
- Nestable
- Jquery
- Bootstrap-timepicker
- Sparkline
- Tinymce wysihtml5
- Editable Table
- JQuery-Knob
- Prism Highlight
- Bootsrap Datepicker
- Bootstrap
- Ionicons
- Codrops
- Dropzonejs
- Vector Maps
- Ion Range slider
- Summernote
- Circular Countdown – Nikhiln
- Responsive table
- Alertify
- Chartist Chart
- Gmaps
- Animate.css
- C3 Charts
- Bootstrap Rating
- Flot-charts
- Bootstrap affair timeout
- Responsive Table
- Codepen
- Font-Awesome
- Waves Effect
- Jquery Steps
- Full Calendar
- Bootstrap Filestyle
- Bootstrap maxlength
- Sweet-Alert
Note: Images are alone for audience purpose, not included in download files.
Tags: admin, admin dashboard, application, bootstrap, bootstrap 4, clean, dashboard, ecommerce, flat, Four+ Columns, responsive, sass, ui, web app