A able Tumblr theme for your claimed résumé and portfolio.
A feature-packed claimed website and portfolio.
Résumé is a able Tumblr theme for your claimed C.V. and portfolio. Affection your testimonials, latest work, clients, accomplishment areas, newsletter, acquaintance details, and more.
- Customise colours, typography, and architecture details
- Feature your experience, skills, and testimonials
- Widgets for Instagram, Twitter, Dribbble and Flickr
- Share an “About Me” bio, and applicant logos
- Newsletter widget, custom logo, sharing, and abundant more
Your Claimed Résumé or C.V
The theme is advised to let you advertise aggregate you charge on your claimed site. Altered agreeable blocks can be angry on or off, and you can re-position anniversary breadth on the page in any adjustment you want.
Your “Showcase” holds all the accepted Tumblr posts, but the theme is advised to advertise your skills. Assorted call-to-action buttons animate humans to appoint you, and you can set an “Available for Work” message.
Testimonials, Skills, Acquaintance and Clients
Each agreeable block appearance something different. Whether that’s advertisement your antecedent places of plan acquaintance (and if you formed there), or featuring the altered “Skills” that you’re accomplished in (with a % of ability for anniversary of them).
There’s aswell a block to affection the applicant logos of companies you’ve formed for in the past, and two testimonials from humans who can acclaim your work.
Instagram, Flickr, and Twitter Widgets
All this in accession to affairs in your plan from added sources as able-bodied — your latest photos from Instagram or Flickr, designs from Dribbble, or thoughts and links from Twitter. These appearance up as widgets in the sidebar.
Social buttons let humans chase your adventures on your assorted amusing media channels — we abutment dozens of altered icons and networks (and we’re consistently abacus more!)
Your Own Newsletter
Unique to this theme, you can affix a anatomy up to MailChimp to run your own newsletter. Just set things up over at MailChimp, again copy-and-paste the “embed code” they accommodate you into the theme settings.
This gives humans a way to subscribe to your own commitment list, area you can accumulate them adapted with your work, products, or services.
Stylish, Aboveboard Posts
Posts are abiding in a beautiful grid, anniversary circumscribed to a aboveboard format, with the blueprint abounding to altered styles depending on whether you’re on a desktop, tablet, or phone.
It’s simple for readers to like, reblog, or hotlink to your posts application these accepted Tumblr features.
Customise Everything
You can change any and every aspect of Résumé to bout your appearance and claimed brand. Fonts and typography, colours, layout, backgrounds, button styles — you name it, you can customise it!
It looks abundant appropriate out of the box, but it’s simple to put your own brand on the architecture (and we’re actuality to advice you every footfall of the way!)
Share Away
With one click, visitors can allotment your agreeable beyond altered amusing channels: Twitter, Facebook, Pinterest, and Google+.
This is in accession to all the accepted Tumblr features, acceptance humans to like and reblog your portfolio of work. Don’t let your absurd agreeable go unnoticed!
Here’s a annual of the appearance present in the Résumé Tumblr Theme:
- Fully Documented – All of the theme options are absolutely accurate in an HTML book and aswell accessible online in the audience site.
- Homepage Blocks – The homepage has several blocks that can be reordered and styled (background / text) to personalize your site. The blocks are: About / Abilities / Advertise / Testimonials / Audience / Newsletter. Most of them are alternative and can be angry off if required.
- Large Awning Image – Showcases your plan beautifully with a ample abounding awning angel and your branding on top.
- Disqus Compatible – You can add Disqus comments to your blog, just add your username.
- Social Sharing – Posts can be aggregate to Facebook / Twitter / Pinterest.
- Google Analytics Ready – Just add the cipher and it’s set.
- Expandable – It aswell appearance an attack and footer HTML cipher fields for you to add your own code.
- Submenu with Configurable Tags – Allows the capital aeronautics to accept a submenu that is fabricated of tags and will assort the agreeable of the site.
- Keyboard Navigation – You can use the Right and Left keys on your keyboard to cross amid blog posts. Use H for home and R for random.
- Social Media Icons – In the footer you can add up to 12 amusing icons with links to your profiles.
- Google Fonts – You can accept whatever chantry you’d like from a library of hundreds of chargeless and optimized for the web fonts.
- Responsive and Retina Ready – This theme will plan abundant in all belvedere sizes and definitions. It’s avant-garde and able to plan in avant-garde browsers.
- Customizable Color Scheme – All capital colors can be afflicted application the customizer.
- Widgetized Sidebar – The footer can yield assorted widgets: Twitter / Instagram / Flickr / Dribbble / Afterward / Likes / Group Members and Search.
- SEO Ready – All SEO attempt accessible to Tumblr capacity were taken into annual in this theme.
The afterward assets accept been acclimated to actualize this theme:
- Bootstrap – http://getbootstrap.com/
- Jribbble – http://lab.tylergaw.com/jribbble/
- jQuery – http://jquery.com/
- FitVids – http://fitvidsjs.com/
- jQInstaPics – http://projects.craftedpixelz.co.uk/jqinstapics/
- Mousetrap – https://craig.is/killing/mice
- timeago – http://timeago.yarp.com/
- jquery.FlickrFeed – http://www.newmediacampaigns.com/blog/a-jquery-flickr-feed-plugin
- Font Awesome Icons – http://fortawesome.github.io/Font-Awesome/
- Google Fonts – http://www.google.com/fonts/
The angel acclimated in the awning of the audience theme is from Unsplash – https://unsplash.com/
Logo acclimated in the audience website was created application the Squarespace Logo Tool – http://www.squarespace.com/logo/
16th December 2015 — v1.0
- Initial Release
We’re actuality to advice you set up your theme, and adamant out any problems. Just arch over to our website to book a abutment ticket, and we’ll get aback to you aural 24 hours: http://themelantic.com/support
We’re aswell actuality to acknowledgment any quick questions on Twitter: http://twitter.com/themelantic
Tags: bootstrap, Four+ Columns, jquery, minimalism, modern, original, portfolio, premium, professional, responsive, resume, retina, skills, slider, thumbnails, tumblr