Fairy is a minimal, apple-pie and responsive one page HTML5 template that has been body on Bootstrap 3. This template appearance an AJAX acquaintance anatomy and portfolio. Fairy aswell uses the Font Awesome Icon Pack with 439 Font Icons, and is simple, affected and customizable…
- SEO Optimized
- Fully Responsive
- 3 Menu Types
- Parallax Sections
- Isotope
- Quick Support
- All Files Are Well Commented
- Sticky Sidebar
- Google Fonts Support
- 479 Font Awesome Icons
- Bootstrap 3
- AJAX Acquaintance Anatomy With Field Validation
- Owl Slider
- Cross Browser Compatible
- 3 Hero Sections
- LESS CSS Files Included
- Well Documented
- AJAX Portfolio Items
- Page PreLoader
- Smooth Scrolling
- Youtube Video Background With Image / Slideshow Fallback For Mobile
- Animate Almost Anything With Animate.css
- Google Map With gMap3
- Pricing Tables
- HTML5 & CSS3 Valid Code
Note: Images and video acclimated in the audience are not included in artefact package.
Tags: agency, ajax, clean, contact form, creative, css3, Four+ Columns, html5, isotope, minimalistic, modern, portfolio, responsive, sticky, sticky sidebar