BizAge is a Clean and Modern HTML5 One Page Parallax Creative Template for Startups Business Website. Built with Latest Botstrap Framework and HTML5/CSS3. There are assorted Home and all-important pages. So you can accessible your any of those website actual calmly from our Template. BizAge supports acknowledging layout.
- Creative, Clean, Modern and Unique Template.
- Valid Markup with Modular Design for remixing further
- One Page Parallax Template
- 8 Home Variations
- Google Fonts: Raleway and Rufina
- Blog and Blog Details Pages Included
- Twitter Bootstrap 3.3.6
- Slider Revolution
- HTML5 and CSS3
- Fully Customizable
- Well Documented
- Smooth Transition
- Google Map integrated.
- Fully Acknowledging Design
- OWL Carousel Slider
- Cross Browser Compatible – IE9+, Chrome, Firefox, Safari, Opera
- 6 Slider Variations
- Free Font based Icon (Fontawesome)
- 4 Navigational Menu Style: Top and Push menu
- All pages and folders are able-bodied organized
- Awesome and Creative Design
Source & Credits
- Google Fonts: Raleway and Open Sans
- Twitter Bootstrap
- Google Map API
- jQuery Library
- Fontawesome Icons
- Shutterstock
- Pixabay
- Photodune
- Pexels