Material Admin Extended Dark is a Google Actual Architecture aggressive powerful-lightweight absolutely responsive retina affectation accordant admin template based on latest Bootstrap 3. MAED follows a altered dark blush arrangement accent in adjustment to accommodate a bigger dashboard experience. This can be acclimated for all blazon of web applications such as admin panels, CMS, CRM, custom dashboard etc.
- Built on latest Twitter Bootstrap.
- Fully Responsive design, accurate for desktops, laptops, smartphones and tablets.
- Uses LESS and Grunt.
- Complete User Interface elements and components.
- Widgets for all purposes.
- Retina affectation accessible Icons and Images.
- Material Architecture Aggressive Icons.
- Sample pages included such as Profile, Messages, Listview, Login etc.
- Media apparatus for bigger Multimedia (Modern Lightbox, Image Carousel).
- Bower Package Manager.
- Built with actual architecture guidelines.
- Complete affidavit included.
- Variety of anatomy Apparatus (Validation, Blush picker, Date picker, Toggler, baddest etc).
- Material Architecture Colors, Icons and Animations.
- A altered dark derma experience.
- Event agenda with 2 altered presentations.
- All pages are HTML5 accurate and neatly coded.