Tinos demonstrates a abundant architecture idea, a multipurpose theme adapted for any blazon of business. In band with avant-garde architecture trends, beginning blush and activating navigation, Tinos has all above pages bare if architecture a website and not to acknowledgment lots of added super-awesome features.
Tinos – Full appearance list
- Wishlist affection in WooCommerce
- Slider anarchy (save $19)
- Quick appearance product
- Online Shop with (WooCommerce)
- One-click accession
- Instagram feed
- Shortcodes (carousels, tabs, toggles, accordion, bout section, buttons, blockquotes, tables, active boxes, lists, forms, testimonials, advice blocks, advance bar, appraisement tables, forms, dropcaps, amusing icons, audio and video players, counters etc.);
- Valid HTML5 / CSS3
- Mega card support
- Sticky card option
- Contact anatomy 7 Integrated
- Cookie Control popup
- Unlimited Google fonts setting
- Colors swatches
- Multiple attack & footer options
- Preloaded and amazing css animation;
- layout options for added pages (About us, services, advancing soon, 404 page, acquaintance us….)
- Shop by Brands affection in WooCommerce
- Support WPML
- Tinos brings 12+ a lot of accepted homepage layouts for you.
- Multiple blueprint options for News and Blog style
- Easy to configure pages, column with blueprint 1 Column, 2 Columns left, 2 Columns right, 3 Columns
- Unlimited colors settings
- Drag & bead page architect with beheld artisan plugin (save $34)
- Shop ajax clarify affection in WooCommerce
- PSD files included (after you acquirement theme, amuse acquaintance us for PSD files)
- Cross-browser & accessories Compatibility
- SEO Optimised
- Support 24/7
- Twitter feed
- Product photo zoom
- Mailchimp integrated
- Multiple blueprint options for Portfolio page
- Share socials
- Fully acknowledging & Retina ready
- Ultimate Addons for Beheld Artisan (save $18)
- Powerful admin console
- Very adamant affidavit
- Compare articles affection in WooCommerce
Change log
Initial Release – Version 1.0 – 2nd November 2016
- Initial Release.
Sources and Credit
Fonts Used
Google Fonts websites
- Lato
- Tinos
Icons Used
- Font Awesome
Graphics Used
Many acknowledgment for these abundant images to:
- Pixeden
- Shutterstock
- Picjumbo
Please Note: All images are just acclimated for Preview Purpose Only. They are not allotment of the theme and NOT included in the final acquirement files
Tags: agency, business, corporate, creative, finance, Four+ Columns, interior, modern, multipurpose, personal, portfolio, responsive, shop, showcase, studio