Craftsman Construction WordPress Theme is advised distinctively for construction, handyman, plumber or electrician , carpenter, artisan workshop, painter or agnate artisan or adjustment business website. Craftsman Construction arrangement has beautifull and different design. It’s absolutely acknowledging and activated on all above handheld devices. It is actual simple to bureaucracy and use.This arrangement comes with all-important appearance for your online attendance like projects, blog, affidavit and calculator etc. Features
- 100% Responsive
- Blog Masonry And Large Image
- Detailed Documentation
- Ultra Acknowledging Layout
- Google Location Map
- Fully Customizable
- Calculator
- Google Font
- Awesome Different Look
- Testimonial
- Portfolio
- Free Lifetime Updates
- And Many More.. See It In Live Preview
- Retina Ready
- Valid HTML5 / CSS3
- SEO Friendly, Works With Best SEO Plugin
- Cross Browser Compatibility: Firefox, Chrome, Safari, Opera and IE
- Browsers Compatible
- Home Page
- Parallax Backgrounds
SupportsSupport allotment is the a lot of important affair for us. We try to acknowledgment all questions aural 24 hours in weekdays. In some cases the cat-and-mouse time can be continued to 48 hours. Support requests accept during weekends or accessible holidays will be candy on next Monday or the next business day.Please note: All images are for examination purposes alone and are not included in the download file.
Tags: carpenter, construction, craft, craftsman, electrician, home maintenance, house building, house repair, One Column, painter, plumber, remodeling, responsive, service