FOXEBIZ is a avant-garde multipurposes template. It can be acclimated by a artistic agency, a coorporate compagny for introducing the name or the cast of the business. The template is responsive, so you can appearance it aswell in the mobile/tablets accessories and it looks actual nice in thoose devices. FOXEBIZ is retina accessible that agency it looks abundant and actual aciculate in top resolution devices.
Features :
- Unique design
- Retina Ready
- Multipurposes
- Html 5 & CSS3
- Block architecture sections
- Built with the latest adaptation of Bootstrap
- Multiple page navigation
- Responsive layout
- Multiple area to accomplishment every needs
What is included
- CSS Files
- HTML Files
- Documentation
Plugins Acclimated Are
- script
- typeanimation
- bootstrap.
- countdown
- flexslider
- smooth-scroll
- jquery
- magnific-popup
- bootstrap-dropdownhover
- placeholders
- typed
Fonts used
- Lato
Image Credits
- Unsplash
Icon fonts
- Fontawesome
- Flaticon
- eucalyp
- CC
Undraw illustration
- Undraw analogy
IMPORTANT : The images acclimated in this template are not included in the capital purchased files.
Tags: agency, bootstrap, business, corporate, Four+ Columns, modern design, parallax, portfolio, responsive, slick, startup