Bizillion is multipurpose business, agency HTML template congenital with Bootstrap 4. Clean able architecture and a huge amount of shortcode elements are the capital appearance of Bizillion. We’ve developed it application latest trend-tools and best practices to advantage the development time and complication aswell to ease customization process. We’ve acclimated configurable SCSS for added ascendancy over templates appearance and layout. We structured it such a way that user can easily compose a new page application our basic and adapt it after too abundant hassle.
- Free google fonts.
- Bootstrap 4 compatible.
- Well documented
- Configurable SCSS
- Awesome anarchy sliders
- Gulp Task automation
- Beautiful Line alarming icons
- Huge amount shortcode elements.
- And lot more…
- Easy to customize
- W3C accurate code
FontsWork Sans Mirza
ToolsGulp Js
IconsFont Awesome/ Brands Line Awesome
All images are just acclimated for Preview Purpose Only. They are not allotment of the template and NOT included in the final acquirement files.
Tags: agency, bootstrap 4, business, clean, consultant, consultant firm, finance, Four+ Columns, investment, marketing, multipurpose, multipurpose business, portfolio, responsive, revolution slider