Two versions: HTML and AngularJS
Clean UI – a avant-garde able admin template, based on Bootstrap 4 framework. Clean UI is a able and cool adjustable tool, which apparel best for any affectionate of web application: Web Applications; CRM; CMS; Admin Panels; Dashboards; etc.
Clean UI is absolutely responsive, which agency that it looks absolute on mobiles and tablets.
Template includes Angular Starter Kit – a set of templates, that will accomplish your developer’s activity abundant easier.
Clean UI is absolutely based on SASS pre-processor, includes 50+ commented SASS files. Each book corresponds to a individual component, layout, page, plugin or addendum – so you can calmly acquisition all-important section of cipher and adapt it for your needs. The amalgamation includes both accustomed and minified CSS files, aggregate from SASS.
Bower / Gulp automation tasks (optional).
16.06.2015 - v1.0.0— Initial Release;Tags: admin, admin dashboard, admin template, admin themes, angular, backend, bootstrap, cms, crm, kit, modern, premium admin templates, responsive, sass, ui