For support:
Email: [email protected]
Skype: sporsho9
Skyler is different template of themeforest. This template mostly use plugin for chump accessible and customization. Skyler is clean, minimal, different and simple. Its developed by Bootstrap framework. All codes are user friendly.
- Simple Weather
- Jquery-ui
- Moment
- Datamap
- Flot
- Webticker
- Bootstrap
- Animate.css
- Datatables
- Vector Map
- Sweet Alert
- Chartjs
- Morris
- Wysihtml5
- Nestable
- Toastr
- Peity
- Dropzone
- Pignose Calendar
- Fullcalender
- Validation
General Features
- 24/7 Days Support
- Easily Customizeable
- Friendly Code and Code Comments
- Easy and Affable Well Documentation with panel
- 100% W3C Valid Code
- Unlimited Font Icons
- Cross Browser Support
- 100% Responsive Device Tested
- Google Fonts
- Pre Processor SassCompiler (scss)
- Bootstrap Framework
- SEO Affable Apple-pie Code
Google Fonts
- Open Sans
Icon Fonts
- flag-icon-css
- material-design-iconic-font
- simple-line-icons
- themify-icons
- weather-icons
- linea-icons
- font-awesome
- ionicons
- cryptocoins
- images are action in the examination but are NOT in the download.
1. v1.0 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Initial Release.Tags: admin, bootstrap, bootstrap 4, chart, clean, crypto, currency, dashboard, Four+ Columns, ico, minimal, responsive, simple, widget