Modena is a beautiful avant-garde multi use Concrete5 theme, advised to accord your business an affected adult web presence.
Modena comes with a accomplished host of advantageous appearance to get your website up and active bound and easily. Modena comes with 13 blocks giving you avant-garde functionality at the bang of a mouse, and an avant-garde set of options pages, absolution you clothier the attending and feel of your website to clothing your needs. Add to that a abounding set of customization options, and you will accept a beauteous website in no time.
- Ajax sortable blog
- Ajax sortable portfolio
- Comprehensive blueprint tool, including 8 accepted preset layouts. Create bags of altered page layouts
- 6 custom page attributes to appearance alone pages
- 13 Custom blocks (More to be added over the advancing months)
- Demo abstracts import, acceptation a complete website to get you started quickly
- 7 Page types
- Multiple custom templates acceptance you to appearance accepted Concrete5 blocks at the bang of your abrasion (More to be added over the advancing months)
- Over 150 customization options
- Comprehensive documentation
- Full action framework, breathing about everything
- Accordion
- Pricing tables
- Homepage hero unit
- Team affiliate profiles
- Notices
- Buttons
- Tabs
- Icon boxes
- Lightboxed images
- Image slider with activated captions
- Offscreen hero units
- Animated content
- Testimonial slider
- Left sidebar
- Right sidebar
- Portfolio entry
- Blog entry
- Home page
- Sub page
- Full width