Moreno is a basal resume template. It is congenital based on Bootstrap 4 and has assorted accidental animations for page transition. This theme gives you a claimed amplitude to allotment what you are all about as a artistic designer, photographer, developer, or any profession! It is customizable, comes with 9 blush variations, so you can change the accomplishments easily, change the image, and set any blush to elements such as links, buttons, etc.
- FREE Updates!
- Based on Bootstrap 4
- Icon Font integrated
- Multi-Browser Support
- Random Animations
- Working Contact Form
- Optimized for mobile
- Google Font integrated
- 9 blush variations
- Responsive Design
- Minimal Design
- W3C HTML Valid code
What You Get
- Documentation
- HTML, PHP, CSS & JS files
- Working PHP scripts
- Free Icon Fonts
Included html files
- project-single-3.html
- blog.html
- project-single-2.html
- blog-single.html
- index.html
- project-single-1.html
Credits and Sources
We acclimated Twitter Bootstrap v4 as CSS framework for this template.
- Roboto WebFonts
- – Fontello
Template Scripts
- isotope
- Owl carousel.
- Modernizr
- imagesLoaded
- JQuery
- Magnific popup
- Placeholders.js
- PageTransitions.js/li>
NOTE: The images acclimated in the template are not included in the capital download file, they are alone for the examination purpose.
Tags: designer, freelancer, minimal, One Column, online cv, online resume, personal, portfolio, profile, responsive, resume, retina, vcard, vcard template