Welcome to BIO-the Resume theme from Designthemes.
A atypical theme for bulging yourself for your career needs. What is bigger than BIO-Resume theme?
Home Page Variants
The Home page has 3 amazing variants to clothing altered personality styles to advertise your acquaintance and educational qualifications. The advantage to download the CV of the applicant is provided so that, your employer could get a bright account of your CV in PDF or Word document.
There is aswell a area for accouterment your claimed advice such as dob, address, and email ids. Your acquaintance acquired could be displayed in a timeline bore with a admirable languages-known module.
All in all a actual admirable Resume theme is accessible as BIO.
Just go for it!
Key Features:
Single Bang Import:
Application the individual bang audience import, you would be able to download all the audience agreeable and use it as your own afterwards abacus your angel and customizing it to clothing your requirements.
Actualize absorbing agreeable and affectation on your pages at will! Everything is artlessly the annoyance and bead activity application the ability of Beheld Composer. Resume theme offers the Slider Revolution Plugin. Creating agreeable application these activated agreeable conception tools, would ensure your website will accept an bend over the added sites.
Slider Revolution:
Slider Revolution is an innovative, acknowledging WordPress Slider Plugin that displays your agreeable the admirable way. Whether it’s a Slider, Carousel, Hero Scene or even a accomplished Front Page. The visual, annoyance & bead editor will let you acquaint your own belief in no time! Build Modern & Mobile-Friendly Presentations. It’s easier than you think.
Kirki is the ultimate toolkit for theme developers application the WordPress Customizer. Resume theme lets you yield advantage of its avant-garde appearance and flexibility. Artlessly by abstracting the code, it is simple for anybody to architecture admirable and allusive UI.
Saves Time:
It helps you save time which is great! Actualize you panels and sections. Customize and add fields with ease. In addition, you can calmly add configurations for your projects. The affluence with which you could do is the a lot of advantageous allotment of Kirki. It helps you to automatically actualize CSS from your fields. All this in absolute time while you examination the changes via the customizer’s examination instantly. Application the automated post-Message scripts creation!
Unyson is a chargeless Plugin that is simple to configure. It offers the annoyance and bead framework advancing as it does with a array of extensions which will plan from the backend absolute fast and easy. Application Unyson, you can actualize advancement and acceptation audience agreeable besides archiving the audience agreeable for migration. You may in fact not charge abstracted slider Plugins as Unyson comes with 3 congenital in sliders for images and video. Moreover, you can actualize an amazing mega card to affectation your card configurations as a drop-down. In addition, application Unyson, you can actualize activating sidebars, description animations in portfolios, forms, breadcrumbs, SEO analysis, acknowledgment and accident administration functions after opting for those Plugins!
Visual Composer:
The Beheld Artisan makes designing of a website into a simple annoyance and bead activity that anybody would artlessly adulation to get their easily on. Application the WYSIWYG-what you see is what you get-interface, it is a section of block to architecture your website like a professional!
Visual Artisan Ultimate Addon:
Includes Beheld Artisan exceptional add-on elements like Figure boxes, archetypal Popups, Info Box, Interactive Banner, Flip Box, Info List & Counter. Best of all, it provides a Font Figure Manager acceptance users to upload/delete custom figure fonts. Parallax, Video Backgrounds, Row effects, CSS3 animations, figure fonts and abundant more!
No coding needed:
The annoyance and bead page architect makes anybody a artist after the coding know-how! The ability of beheld artisan is chip into Resume Theme. Actualize pages bound with few clicks in few account with the advice of Beheld Artisan and custom Resume shortcodes.
WP Apple-pie Up:
This Plugin helps to apple-pie up the WordPress database. It does the job by removing “revision”, “draft”, “auto draft”, “moderated comments” ,”spam comments”, “trash comments”, “orphan post-meta”, “orphan comment-meta”, “orphan relationships”, and “dashboard brief feed”. WP Apple-pie Up enables you to optimize your WordPress database after the charge of coding by phpMyAdmin.
Akismet Antispam:
Akismet anti spam is acclimated by millions as Akismet offers the best aegis from spammers. Protect your blog from spam application Akismet which keeps your website adequate even while you sleep! It is simple to get started with Akismet. Just actuate the Akismet plugin and set up your API key in Akismet Settings. It is that simple!
Shortcodes galore:
BIO Resume theme offers a deluge of shortcodes to configure your modules like tabs, accordions, buttons, and tooltips. The shortcodes offered in Resume is apperception boggling. Well, about every believable charge has been analyzed and these shortcodes accept been included. All the requirements of your website for Blockquotes, Buttons & Lists, Carousel, Columns, Acquaintance Info, Agreeable Shortcodes, Custom Posts, Fancy Boxes, Figure Boxes, Angel With Caption, Miscellaneous, Amount Counter, Pricing Table, Progress Bar, Tabs & Toggles, Team, Testimonials, Carousel Testimonials, Timeline and Typography.
Contact Anatomy 7:
Application acquaintance anatomy 7 architecture as abounding forms with absolute amount of ascribe row fields in your form. You can architecture your own forms and absolute spam and access conversion. When you are active a site, there may be altered requirements for forms to be configured from time to time. Acquaintance Anatomy 7 handles all.
With added than 600+ Google webfonts and the FontAwesome icons, you can set any blush or admeasurement on your website and architecture your pages at will. You will become a able artist by abacus Google Fonts with typography field. In addition, you could add tooltips to advice your users.
Legendary Support:
Application the all-encompassing documentation, ability abject and video tutorials you can get any description you may crave about the BIO-Resume theme, 24/7.
Note: Images acclimated in the audience are not included for download, these images are copyrighted, if you are planning to use the photos we can accommodate the links to buy a license.