Fixed admin is a bootstrap based acknowledging admin template. It has cool apple-pie user interface, customizable UI apparatus and widgets and 2 blueprint styles. It is absolutely acknowledging and simple to adapt admin template. Simple and simple to accept cipher gives ability to any developer to about-face this theme into absolute web application.
Based on latest bootstrap
Mobile Friendly
60+ Apple-pie coded pages
2 Blueprint styles
E-commerce pages
Responsive and abstracts tables
Form elements (Bootstrap, Editors, Wizard, Dropzone)
7+ Charts (Flot, Morris, ChartJs, Rickshow, Radial, Sparkline, C3)
20+ Widgets
Login, Register, overlook password, lockscreen pages
Blog pages
Sweet, toaster & alertify alerts
100+ Reusable UI Components
Event Calendar
Gallery & Profile pages
2000+ Icons
Google & Vector maps
Google fonts
Error page included
Pricing tables
Chat & acquaintance pages
Draggable panels
UI sliders
Tree view
Nestable & Date-time pickers
Multilevel Dropdown
Well commented code
- Jquery
- Bootstrap
- Flot charts
- ChartJs
- Calendar
- Images
- Data tables
- Sweet alerts2
- Dropzone
- Cart Master
- Vector map
- Font-awesome
- Google fonts
- Alertify
- Sprkline
- Ion sliders
- C3
- Morris
- Ajax Form