Exact High Quality Multi Purpose Responsive One Page HTML5 template based on bootstrap 3 x. With 25+ Html files included and 15+ Shortcodes, It is Good for Idea for artistic Agencies, accumulated web solution, and business purpose. This is a basal template uses avant-garde and apple-pie design.
- Modern, Apple-pie & Elegant Design,
- Fully responsive files
- Easy Customization
- Beaultiful One Page Scrollspy
- Working PHP Contact Anatomy with a Simple Email Template,
- Over 500+ icons
- Media Galleries
- Responsive toggle card for baby devices, adhesive card if scrolling down,
- Friendly Slider
- Slick Parallax Slider
- Customize Google Maps
- Bootsnav “mega-menu” and double-level drop-down menus
- MailChimp subscribe anatomy chip with validation
- Full blog layouts with sidebars
- Custom Youtube and Vimeo bury modals
- Portfolio Sections & Lightbox
- Google Fonts Used,
- Google Map integrated,
The images acclimated on the audience website are for affirmation purposes alone and are not included in the download file. We accept included placeholder images for anniversary instance.
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Tags: agency, ajax, bootstrap, clean, contact form, Four+ Columns, full screen, lightbox, minimal, modern, multi purpose, one page, portfolio, responsive, video bg