NORD is an acutely simple Joomla template with added focus on your agreeable & activity presentation than annihilation else. The blueprint is beeline advanced and minimal, you can accept your website bureaucracy aural minutes. This Joomla 3.x template appearance assorted concepts of landing pages and assorted portfolio aggregate & presentation options. Don’t absence the reside preview.
Top Features
- 2 Single Activity advice pages to acclimate your content.
- 4 Useful Portfolio Layouts with all-encompassing filigree / masonry options for adjustable customization.
- 6 Landing Pages with customization possibilities.
Main Highlights
- Slider Revolution exceptional slider architect plugin included ($14 Value).
- Individual Activity Presentation Pages are included, angel slider, Vimeo video, and angel grid
- Multiple concepts of landing pages. You can transform it to annihilation as you like to.
- Perfectly acknowledging & retina accessible (high resolution). Built with latest Bootstrap 3 framework.
- Flexible portfolio bore powered by Isotope Exceptional plugin. Create any affectionate of filigree or masonry layouts. No banned to your artistic freedom.
- Supports aggregate from images, bury videos, alive videos from Youtube, Vimeo. Now accomplish the a lot of of it
- Portfolio items can activate lightbox images, lightbox videos
- Detailed close pages included all capital apparatus bare for a portfolio template
- LESS files included for blush and chantry management.
Sources & Credits:
Live examination images are from Dribbble portfolio of these amazing creatives: OliaGozha, sumrteal, sdscarborough, dcalonaci, dalius-stuoka, niceandserious, astrybula, jowpoirier, MikeHosier, RONLEWHORN, bemnet. These images are NOT included in the pack. We are NOT redistributing these images. Instead, we accept included copy placeholder images in place. It’s simple to alter these files with your own images. No worries
Template Credits
Copyright© 2016 Designova, All rights reserved.
A exceptional superior template from Designova