Black is Multi Interactive Template Perfect template for creative, corporates, Architect, agency, business, personal, portfolio etc.
Interactive website
Unlimited Update
Unlimited Possibilities Animation
Unlimited Scrolling Animation
Smooth aperture site
Fully editable all animation
Fresh appearance and transition
Popup Gallery image, youtube, dailymotion, and detail pages
Well documented
Professional support
Files included
alive subscribe anatomy *mailchimp
alive acquaintance form
jquery for all aspect animation
css action for optional
if you charge advice with customizing we will be animated to help!
please note, images not cover in this template
Stay tuned, we will add added affection and themes, for this template
14/03/2017Initial releaseTags: bootstrap, business, corporate, event, html5, interactive, jquery, landing, multipurpose, onepage, page, parallax, portfolio, responsive, startup, Three Columns