Zeko is a affably designed, apple-pie and acknowledging charity WordPress theme. This theme is committed to adopting acquaintance that animals are acquainted beings and should be advised as such. This is generally not the case and we still attestant a huge bulk of added animality appear our adolescent earthlings. They deserve better!
Zeko appearance avant-garde apple-pie acknowledging blueprint with abounding customization options accessible anon from the WordPress Customizer. It is, of course, adaptation accessible and adaptable friendly, so no worries your website will flash in the best ablaze on all devices.Zeko is congenital application accepted WordPress features; posts, pages, adolescent pages, widgets and Customizer. No added advantage panels to learn, no added weight on your server. Just bedrock solid cipher and fast loading times and we all apperceive uncle Google brand that .
WordPress Theme Customizer
One-Click Demo Install
Acknowledging Design
Different Page Templates
Different Blog Layouts
Different Header Layouts
Online Donations
Color Options
RTL support
Customize your website title, website logo & custom header
Minimal, apple-pie and content-first layout
Adaptation ready
Theme is styled for WooCommerce plugin
Soliloquy slider plugin
Widgetized sidebars
2 Custom airheaded – primary & socials
… and abounding more
Tags: animals, blog, campaign, cause, charity, clean, donate, donation, ecology, foundation, GPL, ngo, nonprofit, organization, responsive, volunteer