Zekio | Sass and App Landing HTML5 Template
Zekio – Sass and App Landing HTML5 Template is the App, SaaS, Software, Web Application & Startups Landing Page Template for Startup Idea accompanying Software as a Service business Website. This SaaS Template distinctively advised for who wants to alpha their Application or Software Business. Also it can be acclimated for App Landing or App showcasing Website. It has 100% acknowledging architecture and activated on all above browsers and devices.
This is awful customizable – looks alarming on tablets and adaptable devices. We accept included best convenance of web development – you can actualize abundant website blueprint based on Bootstrap or Grid 1170px.
Features Overview
- Bootstrap 4 Framework:
Bootstrap is the a lot of accepted HTML, CSS, and JS framework for developing responsive, adaptable aboriginal projects on the web.
- Slick Slider:
Actualize beauteous slides with altered action furnishings calmly with Slick Slider.
- Responsive Blueprint Design:
What anytime you are application the accessory your website will run as it should be. Zekio template is absolutely acknowledging blueprint for all blazon of devices.
- 5+ Accurate HTML Files :
Zekio template coded with admirable and apple-pie codes! Some able HTML files 100% accurate W3 web standards.
Full Features List
- Image background
- Detailed documentation
- HTML & CSS & JS files are included
- Valid HTML5 / CSS3
- Clean and commented code
- 5+ Total Pages
- 24/7 Alarming Support
- Nice and Apple-pie Design
- Based on Bootstrap 4.x
- 100% Responsive
- Valid HTML5 / CSS3
Sources and Credits
- Twitter Bootstrap
- jQuery
- Magnific-popup
- slick
- OWL Carousel
Fonts Used
- Google Fonts
Icons Used
- Free Flat Icons by Flat Icon.
Image Credits
- unsplash
- Freepik
- Allfreephotos
- Nothingtochance
Please Note:
- All images are just acclimated for Preview Purpose Only. They are not allotment of the html templates and no included in the final acquirement files.