Wilson is a accurate Multipurpose landing page arrangement body with latest techniques and 100% responsive layout, Clean and avant-garde design. Working ajax php acquaintance form. Can be use as multipurpose. This is just a alpha we are traveling to aggrandize it added in our approaching updates.
- Clean and Avant-garde Design
- Bootstrap 3.3
- Fully Responsive
- 2 Version Available
- Light Version
- Dark Version
- 5 Different Hero Section
- Particle Background
- Solid Color Particle Background
- Image Background
- Background Video
- Slider
- Google Web Fonts
- HTML 5 & CSS3
- Font Awesome Icons
- Working Ajax Acquaintance Form
- SEO Friendly
- Well Commented code
- Well Documented
- W3C Validate Code
Note: Demo images acclimated alone for examination purpose not included in download file.
Tags: agency, app, html template, landing page template, landing page. responsive. bootstrap, marketing. mailchimp, modern, multipurpose, product launch, responsive, seo, Two Columns