Wedbirds – Wedding Invitation HTML5 Template
Wedbirds is a clean, admirable and avant-garde architecture HTML Template that is an ideal fit for agenda wedding invitation.This Template can be acclimated to actualize adventurous adventure or journey, wedding event, affair agenda & rsvp anatomy Also we accommodate Wedding Agency. Great Wedding HTML Template for wedding invitation, assurance or Wedding Agency.It works on adaptable accessories and desktops as well.
Template Features:
- Countdown Timer
- Wedding Icon from Flaticon
- Font Awesome Icons
- Multiple Gallery Layouts
- And abundant more…
- Retina Ready Display
- Bootstrap 4
- Fully Responsive
- Background Slideshow
- The Happy Couple
- The Wedding Event
- How He Proposed
- Best Friends
- Hero
- Wedding Gifts
- Lovable Family
- Our Love Story
- Photo Gallery
- Easing
- Flexslider
- Flickity
- Isotope
- jQuery
- Countdown
- Magnific Pop Up
Font Icons:
- Font Awesome
- Wedding Icon from Flaticon
Note: Images not included to the Purchase folder.
Tags: boldly, bride, ceremony, cute, event, fancy, Four+ Columns, girly, groom, guestbook, marriage, responsive, wedding, wedding events, wedding planner