Vixka Responsive HTML Template is a full-responsive html template which is acclimated for any affectionate of boutique, clothes store, Fashion Shop, architecture articles or agnate websites that needs a affection affluent and admirable attendance online with affected and adjustable design. It has 22 html page with 5 homepage layout. every individual aspect of in Vixka is absolutely responsive, as agreeable can be beheld from desktop and adaptable devices.
- 5 Homepages layouts.
- …
- Google Web Fonts Integration.
- Font alarming icons integrated, Font Stroke icons 7 integrated.
- Box blueprint and abounding amplitude layout.
- 100% absolutely Responsive with Twitter Bootstrap 3.
- Tidy and apple-pie interface.
See audience and adviser for Vixka Responsive HTML Template!
Note: All images are just acclimated for examination purpose alone and NOT included in the final acquirement files
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Version 1.0 (08 Sep 2016) - Initial release.