Unilex – Law Firm Responsive HTML Templateis a Mordant Law & Attorney multipurpose HTML5 Templete, The template has architecture for Law & Attorney, law firm, law office, advocate Company, Legal Assistant, Appointment Agency, Justice, Consulting, Finance, Advocate, Court, Business Center, Company, Corporate, Firm, Officers, Professional, Multipurpose, Modern Design, Clean style. Unilex HTML5 Template has architecture by afterward Bootstrap 12 cavalcade filigree system. Unilex is actual simple and able templete for law firm And Attorneys, it’s actual simple to cipher and edit. Each of the area has seperated in altered section. The File is all Browser Supported and Mobile affable Layout
All of the pages
- Home page 1
- About-us page 1
- Attorneys_biography page
- Attorney_grid page
- Attorney_list page
- Awards page
- Blog page
- Blog-grid page
- Blog_details page
- Case_study page
- Case_study_single page
- Contact page
- Faq page
- Faq_details page
- History page
- Pricing page
- Service page 1
- Service page 2
- Service page 3
- service-details page
- 404 Error page
Template Features
- Easy to edit
- Smart Objects Included
- Easily customizable HTML Templates
- Excellent and Creative Design
- 27 abstracted HTML files
- Super Clear and Clean Layout
- Pixel-Perfect – No bisected pixels
- Nicely Layered & Aggregate with able Names
- Easy to acquisition the files name, folder, layers, groups
- All layers are aggregate and sorted
- Modern, Clean, Minimal & Able Design
Some Advantages of the Project:
- Modern and Unique Design
- Only chargeless Google Fonts are used.
- Perfect Color Combination
- Pixel Perfect Design.
- Based on 1920px awning / 1170 filigree arrangement / Full-screen components.
- Flat figure for figure sourc.
- Parton can get alone on Envato Market.
Google Fonts are Used:
Before as you alpha adapt the template be abiding to install the font.
- Poppins
- Oswald
- Raleway
PLEASE don’t overlook to amount it.
Thanks so much!