Style Shop WordPress Theme is a powerful premium eCommerce WP theme from Elegant Themes. This fully responsive is designed for product showcase and sell them online. Styleshop WordPress theme is best suitable for online stores, digital product store and company website with eCommerce features.
Styleshop WordPress theme includes has robust and salient features like unique mobile layout, built using WooCommerce WordPress plugin, stylish mobile menus, makes full use of new WordPress customizer, customizable color, fonts, navigation bar & footer, slider that carry featured product on homepage, lots of custom page templates, special offers section on front page, show featured product and hot products on homepage, display client logo with their links, standard widgets that comes with WooCommerce and Elegant Themes, easy to use custom shortcodes, show best work using portfolio area, 5 stylish portfolio layout, unmatched support for customers, theme documentation guide, theme settings via ePanel and more.
Style Shop WordPress Theme Features :
- Style shop theme is packed with all the standard Elegant Themes and WooCommerce widgets
- WooCommerce WordPress plugin integrated eCommerce WP Theme
- Slideshow on homepage to show your important products
- Loads perfectly in portrait and landscape mode
- Upload client logos and insert their website links
- 3 thumbnails on frontpage for hot offers
- 5 different portfolio layouts
- Translate website in to any language using .mo / .po language files
- Secured code that also validates to major validation services like W3C and other
- Customizable colors, typography, navbar color and background colors (or set background image)
- Expanding footer for widget placement
- Extensive documentation guide for installation
- Tested in all major browser to ensure no design break or no compatibility issue
- Portfolio post to show your best work
- 7 useful page templates that are ready to use with few click
- Supports WordPress customizer feature (Native WordPress theme features)
- Forum support for members by dedicated support team
- Mobile optimized design with responsive layout
- Unlimited colors using color control panel
- Perfect for online store to display product and sell them
- Mobile supported menu bar (Unlike other Elegant Themes eCommerce Themes)
- Powerful online store with sleek design
- Regular security audit for all themes
- Showcase featured product on homepage
- Option to display hot product on front page
- Regular theme updates and upgrades that ensures the WordPress compatibility
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