Songit is a App Landing page. It’s a appropriate best for your app, app landing, app landing page, app landing template, App Showcase, app store, app template, app website, apple-pie app landing, artistic app landing page, landing page, adaptable app landing page etc. It’s a avant-garde and artistic html5 arrangement with bootstrap 4 framework (v4.1.3). It has apple-pie cipher and able-bodied commented. Compatible with Desktop,Laptop,table,mobile or any device. Also actual simple to customize. Buy the Songit App Landing page and accomplish amazing things. We will accord you the best support. Please don’t alternate to acquaintance us. Thank you
- Google Map
- Text Type Animation
- FontAwesome and material-design-iconic-font
- 24/7 Friendly Customer Abutment And Many More…
- Scroll To Fixed Navbar
- Well Documented
- HTML5 and CSS3 Validation
- Also has a Blog Single Page
- Working AJAX PHP acquaintance form
- Bootstrap 4 Framework (v4.1.3)
- Background Slider
- Fully Responsive
- Parallax Background
- Clean & Commented Code
- Pixel Perfect Design
- Cross Browser Supported
- Google fonts
- 4 Unique Home Page Design
What you will get in the download book :
- PHP files
- HTML Files
- Placeholder of all images
- Fonts Folder
- JS Files
- CSS Files
Google Fonts :
- Lato
Images :
- allfreephotos
Note: All images are acclimated for examination purpose alone and not included in the final acquirement files.