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Skylar – Fast, Optimized & Highly Customizable Multi-Purpose WordPress Theme

Skylar is multi-purpose highly customizable WordPress theme with beauteous demos & able accoutrement which advice you to actualize own architecture afterwards paying bags of dollars. It gives you able toolset to actualize website which are still unique, admitting the attributes of boredom of the themes. You accept at your auctioning 830+ options to customize, however, if you don’t feel like creating your own design, you can just acceptation the audience and leave it as it is or acclimatize to your preferences.

• Unlimited Blush Selection• Amazing ambit control• 100% Acknowledging Theme• Retina Ready• Unlimited Amount of Sidebar• Footer 1-6 Column Abutment • OnePage support• Megamenu • Over 830 options to adjust• Abstracted settings of post, portfolios and pages from Accepted Options, giving you added ascendancy over unique, appropriate pages you wish to create.• Created with HTML5 & CSS3• Option reside search• VC templates accessible to import• Highest Quality• Drag&Drop Builder

More details:

PAGE DESIGN• 3 Page Layouts accessible – Wide (with abounding width, and any close amplitude you set), Boxed (with anchored width), Framed (with anchored margins width)• Abounding ascendancy over page margins, paddings and bound (entirely responsive)• Aswell those options can be absolute from the accepted settings on posts, portfolio, page

PAGE HEADING (TITLE)• Abounding ascendancy whether to appearance or adumbrate page title, additionally simple to set exceptions (blog, archive/category/tag, search, pages, posts, portfolios, articles (WooCommerce)) e.g. you wish to adumbrate by default, page titles for portfolios and articles only)• Page appellation argument alignments• Page appellation height• Page appellation amplitude (can be absolute from page blueprint or header)• Page appellation accomplishments from featured image• Page appellation breadcrumbs (also simple to disable/enable)• Page appellation Next/Prev buttons (also simple to disable/enable)• Abounding ascendancy over margins, paddings, and bound (entirely responsive)• Page appellation added description (text beneath title)• Aswell those options can be absolute from the accepted settings on posts, portfolio, pages

PAGE SIDEBARS• Aftereffect positions left, right, hidden• Any accustomed aftereffect width• Aftereffect ambit from the agreeable changeable• Aftereffect argument align: left, center, right, justified• Abounding ascendancy over margins, paddings, and bound (entirely responsive)• Simple to set up, which sidebars, on what position, should (independently from accepted settings) arise on Blog, Archive, Search, WooCommerce Shop, WooComerce Alone Product, WooCommerce Seek pages.• 6 added widgets (like Minimalistic Twitter Widgets, Figure Lists etc.)

HEADER & TOPBAR• 9 attack layouts • Attack position: Top / Bottom• Attack beneath or beneath slider• Anchored attack support• Anchored attack announcement conditioning (after aboriginal scroll, afterwards Revolution Slider, afterwards header)• Disable/Enable attack overlaying• 10 attack buttons styles (+ abutment for own styling)• Ascendancy over attack button paddings, bound radius• Attack buttons & icons agreement control• Attack figure admeasurement capricious • Attack amplitude ascendancy (can be independent)• Abounding ascendancy over margins, paddings, and bound (entirely responsive)• Dropdown card amplitude types (full & auto)• Dropdown card argument alignments (left, center, right)• Dropdown card width• Dropdown card padding• Dropdown card button added & border• Topbar (disable/enable)• Topbar bury control• Disable/ accredit topbar on mobile• Ascendancy over topbar margins, paddings, border• 10 topbar button’s styles• Topbar button administration (paddings, bound radius)• Topbar buttons & icons spacing, figure admeasurement adjustable• Card buttons can be suffixed or prefixed with a separator• Simple acceptance of figure in airheaded + abysmal affiliation with Ultimate Addon for Visual Composer, which enables application icons which you imported, not alone Chantry Awesome (there are 4000 icons chargeless to acceptation instantly or you can upload any own figure set you have)

MEGAMENU BUILT-IN• 1-6 columns• absolutely widgetizable• Megamenu paddings and borders• Megamenu buttons paddings• Megamenu button text-alignment• Megamenu button amplitude types (full&auto)

FOOTER & UNDERBAR• 1-6 Footer Columns• Footer accomplishments blush or image• Footer amplitude ascendancy (can be independent)• Footer replacements – you can accept altered footer widgets on altered blazon of pages: Posts, Portfolios, Posts, Blog, Archive, Search, WooCommerce Shop, WooCommerce Alone Product• Abounding ascendancy over margins, paddings, and bound (entirely responsive)• 10 Underbar amusing button styles• Underbar margins, paddings, borders

TYPOGRAPHY• Google Fonts support• Absolute chantry ascendancy of: logo, capital font, headings(independently for altered column types), column argument font, card button, card dropdown button, megamenu, megamenu accoutrement titles.• For all aloft you can set: chantry style, chantry weight, chantry size, letter spacing, word spacing, chantry weight and chantry subsets (especially accessible if you’re website isn’t alone English accent page)

COLOR SELECTION• All attack & topbar elements (also abstracted colors can be set for anchored header, aswell hover state, accepted page accompaniment button etc.)• All page physique elements• All footer & underbar elements• All WooCommerce elements• All baby elements like absence button, ascribe fields etc.• 3 Blush own variations which can be acclimated in attack for you what accept emphasized button for CTA like “Contact Us” or “GET 30-DAYS FREE TRIAL”, you can accept altered administration of accurate card buttons.• Blush options accessible are counted in hundreds.

WOOCOMMERCE• Affiliation with this the a lot of accepted ecommerce plugin• 2-6 Artefact Columns• Ascendancy over amount of articles per page & related/up-sell/cross-sell presented• Disable/enable – allocation selection, ‘products per page’ selection, allotment buttons on artefact page, accompanying products• Appropriate WooCommerce card on mobile, which advice users to go through your articles while application adaptable devices• left, appropriate and no sidebar• abstracted sidebars for alone product, shop, and WooCommerce search

SOCIAL MEDIA• Simple abacus any amusing media profiles you want• 10 Allotment button styles• 16 Amusing media pages for SHARING accurate (like Facebook etc.)

KING OF THE MOTION• Abutment for accomplished page on amount & unload animations• Abutment for alone elements on amount & unload animations like: header, agreeable etc.• Dropdown & megamenu appearance and adumbrate animations changeable• Anchored attack appearance action changeable• All animations abutment CSS3• Blush transitions times and types adjustable

BLOG & ARCHIVES• 9 Column types supported: Standard, Aside, Video, Audio, Gallery, Image, Quote, Status, Link• 2 absence blog column advertisement layouts (more accessible through VC) • Tons of settings like extract length, showing/hiding metadata• Column redirecting to the alien average like Twitter, Medium, any added link

PORTFOLIO• 5 Aftereffect positions (left, larboard sticky, right, appropriate sticky, bottom)• Ascendancy over such settings as page layout, showing/hiding attack buttons and abounding more.

ONE CLICK IMPORT • 6 (still counting) demos accessible to be imported• one-click method

PERFORMANCE• SEO optimized, metadata• Page Speed Score – Grade A – 97%• YSlow Score – Grade A – 87%

SHORTCODES & PLUGINS• Visual Composer: Page Builder for WordPress ($34)• Slider Revolution Acknowledging WordPress Plugin ($19)• Ultimate Addons for Visual Composer ($18)• 90+ shortcodes available• 7 Pre-made Grids for VC (ready to be customized if needed)

INTEGRATION & MULTILANGUAGE & SPLIT TRANSLATION• WooCommerce support• ContactForm support• NinjaForm support• WPML support• Translation (po&mo files) Accessible + abundantly advantageous analysis amid frontend and backend, if you wish for archetype construe alone what the users see and don’t feel like analytic amid argument from admin panel• Revolution Slider support• LayerSlider support• Basically any slider which is accessible through shortcodes can be applied


Images:- some of the images in Machinery Audience comes from the blow is from http://unsplash , or

Icons:- Elegant Capacity – Line Icons- Material Icons- Brankic 1979 Icons- Icons in Corporate Demo, in Service page, fabricated by Revicon from

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