About Skillup
Skillup – Avant-garde Educational HTML5 Template is advised altogether in 1170 Grid with apple-pie & different UI elements which can be calmly customized for authoritative any types online educational courses, contest website.
Template Key Features
- Maximum acceptance of whitespace
- Easy to administer your own brand/color
- Top cleft support
- Free Icon fonts used
- Easy to administer your own brand/color
- 100% pixel absolute design
- Minimal, avant-garde and apple-pie user interface
- Best user experience
- Flexible, customizable & appropriately organized layers
- Designed based on Bootstrap 1170 Grid System with 12 column
- Free Google fonts used
- Images not Included
Fonts and Typography
- Open Sans Google chantry (https://fonts.google.com/specimen/Open+Sans)
- Montserrat Google chantry (https://fonts.google.com/specimen/Montserrat)