Description :
Sawios is a Sales page for marketing software. This template is actual simple to adapt with abundant cipher structure, actual acceptable for app, download software, personal, bureau and marketing website.
It is The absolute marketing landing page. Sawios comes with 6 basis variants, 8 blush skins, REGISTER FORM is chip with MailChimp, standout text, different design, standout youtube video, theme components, added blog page, Working acquaintance anatomy etc.
This theme is congenital aloft bootstrap framework and is absolutely responsive. It adapts to window resolution and looks acceptable on all accessories including ipad and iphone. See for yourself (resize your browser). If you would like to apprehend added about bootstrap framework bang actuality : Bootstrap Documentation
Features :
- REGISTER FORM chip with MailChimp
- Fully Responsive
- Latest Browser compatibility
- 6 Basis variants
- 8 Blush skins
- Youtube video
- FontAwesome v.4.5.0 with 3 variants
- Based on Latest Bootstrap v3.3.6
- Megamenu
- Theme components
- W3C Valid HTML5
- Working acquaintance form
HTML files in anniversary template binder :
Home :
- index.html
- index-alt1.html
- index-alt2.html
- index-alt3.html
- index-alt4.html
- index-alt5.html
Blog page :
- blog-leftsidebar.html
- blog-rightsidebar.html
- singlepost-leftsidebar.html
- singlepost-rightsidebar.html
Extra page :
- about.html
- contact.html
- pricing.html
- services.html
Theme apparatus :
- accordion.html
- alerts.html
- blockquote.html
- button.html
- form.html
- dropcaps.html
- heading.html
- highlights.html
- icon-box.html
- icon-text.html
- list.html
- modal.html
- pagination.html
- tabs.html
- typography.html
Still charge annihilation else? Please accord any advancement and we’ll accede to add them on next updates! break tuned
Update history
- 29 June 2016 Initial Release
Images :
- pixabay
- pixeden