Have you been analytic for a different theme for your Online Store? The analytic can be accomplished actuality with Sakura shopify theme. This theme is absolutely acknowledging and awful customizable. It is advised in a appropriate belvedere to plan able-bodied in accepted accessories such as computers, tablets and desktop. This arrangement is absolutely acceptable with Fashion shops, Clothing shops, Hat shops, Shoes shops and abundant more. Sakura theme can about-face your abundance into a comfortable and different heaven for arcade online.
With artefact quick view, you can cross bound amid several articles in adjustment to audit a artefact after redirecting to artefact detail page. Although you can advance to the page if analytic for added data and information, our aggregation wants to accord you an added advantage to change the user’s acquaintance in a absolute way.
In addition, we accord you endless of nice and affluent features. Sakura was congenital with the best Shopify Mina Framework. This able amalgamation allows barter to actualize blueprint with ease. Along with Shopify area functionality, tweaking and customizing your storefront is not a daydream anymore, it becomes passion. Swipe, Animation and Slick Slider accord the accomplished theme a bland sense. Sakura Shopify Theme aswell supports CSS3, HTML5, RTL Language blueprint and Bootstrap 3 Framework that advice to actualize aesthetic web pages with semantic accurateness and awful customizable template. Besides, the able admin console will advice you administer your website bigger and easier.
- Powerful admin ascendancy panel
- Themify icons integrated
- Google Mobile Friendly
- Amazing Slider built-in
- Google Web Fonts Integration
- 100% absolutely Acknowledging with Twitter Bootstrap 3
- Unlimited Color Options
- Browser comparison
- Lazy loading
- Wishlist
- Customer Reviews
- Social networking
- Product Sale Label
- Grid & List Mode
- Megamenu
- Quick Appearance built-in
- Easy customizer area
- Drag and drop
- Prefined Style Page; Contact Page, Typography, FAQs
- Ajax Paging & Ajax Toolbar built-in
- Product Carousel
- Ajax Add to Cart
- Font alarming icons integrated
- Blog Post Slider built-in
- Advanced Typography Options
- SEO optimized : Speed, Google?s Affluent Snippet, heading, title?
- Well Documented
- Off Canvas Menus mobile
- And Abundant More! Check out the assorted demos!
- Brand Logo Slider
- HTML5 & CSS3 & Sass CSS
- Email Support: [email protected]