Want to actualize and absurd Industry / Factory / Engineering WordPress website? Sick of testing and evaluating themes? Choose the ONE absolutely able theme you can use to actualize the website you need.
Permanently updated, with 24/7 reliable abutment and amazing features:
- Slider Revolution – SAVE $18
- (*) – Dummy sliders included in the package;
- Visual Composer – SAVE $33
- Video & Background Parallax – SAVE $12
- Redux Framework Theme-Options Panel
- Styling Settings
- Blog Settings
- SEO Settings (Google Analytics built-in)
- 404 Page Settings
- Footer Settings
- Contact Settings
- Social Media Settings
- Unlimited Sidebars
- Header Settings
- MailChimp Newsletter
- General Settings
- Demo Data Importer
- Shop Settings
- Services
- Members
- Multiple attack variants
- One-click importer
- 600+ Google Fonts
- Font Icons instead of images
- Well documented
- PHP-Ajax Contact Form
- Various Custom Widgets and abundant more
- Multiple Colors & Skins Throughout
- Eye-catching CSS Animations
- Compatible with: Contact anatomy 7
- Permanent updates
- Excellent Typography
- Optimized for top speed
- Fast and simple to use
Change LOG
=== Released v1.0 – DD-MMM-YYYY ===
[RELEASED] - v1.0;
Fonts Used: Roboto / Libre Baskerville Google Fonts
Images: shutterstock.com – All rights reserved! (Images not included in the theme-package)
Icons: FontAwesome http://fortawesome.github.io/Font-Awesome/
Entire account of credits comes with the amalgamation of the theme
Tags: architect, engineering, factory, Four+ Columns, industry, responsive, wordpress theme, worker