Protable – Responsive Admin Dashboard HTML5 Template
General Features
- Maps
- Sass files
- Well documented
- Google fonts
- 70+ pages
- Easy to use
- Fully responsive design
- 2000+ chantry icons
- Build on the latest adaptation of Bootstrap (v4.3.1)
- Clean and automatic design
- Advanced components
- Simple coded
- Theme switcher
Theme Customization Options
- Sticky navigation
- Shadow layout
- Dark
- Sticky footer
- Small navigation
- Semi Dark
- Sticky header
- Light header
- Hidden navigation
- Register
- Pricing tables
- Timeline
- Email templates (Basic, Alert, Billing)
- Profile
- Lock screen
- Error pages (404, 404 Alternative, 503)
- Search result
- Invoice
- Reset password
- Login page
- Todo
- Chat
- Calendar
- File Manager
- Toast
- Sweetalert
- Timepicker
- Datepicker
- Calendar
- Colorpicker
- CKEditor
- Dropzone (File upload)
- Form validation
- Slick slide
- Form mask
- Range slider
- Lightbox
- Tour
- Datatables
- Form wizard
- Nestable
- Apex
- Morsis
- Peity
- Justgage
- Chartjs
Images are not included in the download.
Tags: admin dashboard, admin panel, admin template, admin themes, bootstrap 4, clean design, css, Four+ Columns, html, jquery, latest, premium admin templates, responsive, responsive admin