Prolist is one of the a lot of completed directory & listings template with user dashboard and able affiliation with the Google API to accord you a adjustable best of map displays. It aswell appearance blueprint for your user console pages. No charge to body from scratch. Prolist got you covered!
Code is actual simple to use and able-bodied declared – a lot of anticipation and affliction went into this template authoritative it a amusement to modify.
Template Features
- Well Organized Layers
- Google fonts acclimated and chantry alarming icons
- 33 HTML files
- List/Grid Category View
- Pixel Perfect
- 06 HomePages Style
- Blog/news template
- Extended documentation
- 05 List Style
- Easy & customizable PSD files
- Creative and different design
- Login, Profile, and Submit Property Templates
- Based on Bootstrap 1170px Grid
33 Pages Included
- 23_how_it_works
- 06_map_list1
- 07_map_list2
- 14_list_detail
- 19_edit_profile
- 13_04_columns_list
- 24_sign_in
- 32_cart
- 28_blog_detail
- 04_home
- 08_map_list3
- 31_shopping_detail
- 22_terms_and_conditions
- 25_register
- 09_right_sidebar_list
- 21_404
- 26_blog_01
- 02_home
- 17_pricing
- 20_my_listing
- 10_left_sidebar_list
- 30_shopping_list
- 16_faq
- 15_list_detail1
- 39_contact
- 27_blog_02
- 18_add_listing
- 05_home
- 11_list_view
- 33_checkout
- 03_home
- 12_03_columns_list
- 01_home
Please, don’t overlook to amount this item
Tags: airbnb, broker, city tour, directory, google maps, listings, local businesses, map, One Column, places, places in town, responsive, tourism, tripadvisor, yelp