A minimal, able theme to accomplish your articulation bright clear.
Minimal architecture that packs a punch.
Pinpoint is a admirable theme that offers basal design, accompanying with all the functionality you’d apprehend in a exceptional Tumblr theme. Able widgets, and clean, simple design.
- An “About Me” contour annual and text
- Infinite scrolling, custom logo, sharing, and abundant more
- Widgets for Instagram, Twitter, Dribbble, and Flickr
- Choose a slider of photos or images, with links and text
- Customise colours, typography, and architecture details
A Featured Slider
Pinpoint appearance a ample slider to advertise your photographs, illustrations, or work. Upload up to three images, and they’ll circle every few seconds.
It’s aswell simple to add a title, description, and hotlink to anniversary photo. You can use these to advance products, links, photos, or annihilation else!
Masonry Filigree Layout
Posts are abiding in a beautiful grid, in a “masonry” arrangement. The blueprint flows and arranges depending on the admeasurement of the screen, with posts just demography up the amplitude they charge to.
It’s simple for readers to like, reblog, or hotlink to your posts, with icons beneath anniversary post.
Instagram, Flickr, Dribbble, and Twitter Widgets
Pinpoint has a baby but able sidebar, with widgets for assuming your photos and designs from added places — Instagram, Dribbble, or Flickr, or thoughts and links from Twitter.
Social buttons let humans chase your adventures on your assorted amusing media channels — we abutment dozens of altered icons and networks (and we’re consistently abacus more!)
Customise Everything
You can change any and every aspect of Pinpoint to bout your appearance and claimed brand.
Fonts and typography, colours, layout, backgrounds, bound widths — you name it, you can customise it!
It looks abundant appropriate out of the box, but it’s simple to put your own brand on the architecture (and we’re actuality to advice you every footfall of the way!)
Share Away
With one click, visitors can allotment your agreeable beyond altered amusing channels: Twitter, Facebook, Pinterest, and Google+.
This is in accession to all the accepted Tumblr features, acceptance humans to like and reblog your portfolio of work. Don’t let your absurd agreeable go unnoticed!
Keyboard Navigation
A different affection makes it simple for your readers to flick about your site, application alone their keyboard.
H takes you home, R takes you to a accidental post, and the Left and Right arrows cross amid posts or pages. Discover a accomplished new way to browse your Tumblr site!
Here’s a annual of the appearance present in thePinpoint Tumblr Theme:
- Submenu with ConfigurableTags – Allows the capital navigationto accept a submenu that is fabricated of tags and willcategorize the agreeable of the site.
- Responsive and Retina Ready– This theme will plan abundant in all platformsizes and definitions. It’s avant-garde and preparedto plan in avant-garde browsers.
- Social Sharing – Posts canbe aggregate to Facebook / Twitter / Pinterest.
- Keyboard Navigation –You can use the Right andLeft keys on your keyboard tonavigate amid blog posts. UseH for home andR for random.
- Google Analytics Ready -Just add the cipher and it’s set.
- Google Fonts – You canchoose whatever chantry you’d like from a library ofhundreds of chargeless and optimized for the webfonts.
- Expandable – It alsofeatures an attack and footer HTML cipher fieldsfor you to add your own code.
- Widgetized Sidebar – Thesidebar can yield assorted widgets: About /Twitter / Instagram / Flickr / Dribbble /Following / Likes / Group Members.
- Fully Documented – All ofthe theme options are absolutely accurate in an HTMLfile and aswell accessible online in the demosite.
- Customizable Color Scheme -All capital colors can be afflicted application thecustomizer.
- SEO Ready – All SEOprinciples accessible to Tumblr capacity were takeninto annual in this theme.
- Disqus Compatible – You canadd Disqus comments to your blog, just add yourusername.
- Social Media Icons – In thefooter you can add up to 12 amusing icons withlinks to your profiles.
- Slider – The homepage canhave a slider with up to 3 images, title, buttonwith link.
- Intro Section – Just for thehomepage, a area that can authority a branch andan image.
The afterward assets accept been acclimated to actualize this theme:
- Bootstrap – http://getbootstrap.com/
- Responsive Slides – http://responsiveslides.com/
- Mousetrap – https://craig.is/killing/mice
- Masonry – http://masonry.desandro.com/
- timeago – http://timeago.yarp.com/
- jQuery – http://jquery.com/
- Jribbble – http://lab.tylergaw.com/jribbble/
- FitVids – http://fitvidsjs.com/
- Infinite Scroll – https://github.com/paulirish/infinite-scroll
- jquery.FlickrFeed – http://www.newmediacampaigns.com/blog/a-jquery-flickr-feed-plugin
- jQInstaPics – http://projects.craftedpixelz.co.uk/jqinstapics/
- Google Fonts – http://www.google.com/fonts/
- Font Awesome Icons – http://fortawesome.github.io/Font-Awesome/
The images acclimated in the slider of the audience theme arefrom from Pixabay – https://pixabay.com/
April 7, 2017 — v1.1
- Added abutment for SSL
13th April 2016 — v1.0
- Initial Release
We’re actuality to advice you set up your theme, and adamant out any problems. Just arch over to our website to book a abutment ticket, and we’ll get aback to you aural 24 hours: http://themelantic.com/support
We’re aswell actuality to acknowledgment any quick questions on Twitter: http://twitter.com/themelantic
Tags: blog, bootstrap, featured, jquery, masonry, minimalism, modern, original, premium, responsive, retina, slider, Three Columns, tumblr