Oscar is an unique, clean, modern, awful customizable and actual able Joomla Template, acceptable for a avant-garde array of websites. We accept developed this absolute template to bear aggregate you’re searching for from a website. This template will be a abundant band-aid for Business Owners, Fashion, Spa, Events, Construction, Online Store (E-Commerce), Creative Agencies, Portfolio, etc. Since Oscar is a absolutely responsive template, so the blueprint will acclimate to altered awning sizes which will accomplish your website accordant with any accessory such as acute phones, tablets and desktop computers.We accept added a lot of architecture features, custom elements shortcodes and able functionality that you will love, advice you to accept accessible website in few minutes.
Template Features
- Tags Component: Compact List, All Tags, Tagged Items
- Compatible with the latest Joomla version.
- Build with T3 Framework is a able joomla template framework, its simple customization with ThemeMagic. You can acquiesce abounding ambit to be configured in the ThemeMagic.
- Retina Ready: Oscar is retina-ready your website will attending beauteous on retina devices. You will just upload the HD versions of your images and Oscar will yield affliction of the rest. You can upload and use a bifold admeasurement of your logo angel (JPG, PNG, GIF) to accumulate searching abundant on college resolution accessories like retina or 5k display.
- New Feeds Component: Feed Categories, Feeds Category, Single News Feed.
- Multiple Currency
- Design with 5 Altered Home Layouts: Business, Fashion, Spa, Events, Construction.
- Products Review & Rating
- Contact Component: Single Contact, Single Category, Contact Categories, Featured Contacts.
- VirtueMart 3 Integrated: Oscar template absolutely abutment all appearance to body a complete eCommerce website, administration all eCommerce pages: Front Page, Product Category, Product Detail, Account Maintenance, User Edit Address, List Orders, Manufacturer List, Manufacturer Details, Vendor Details, Vendor Contact, Vendor TOS, Shopping Cart,…
- 100% Absolutely Responsive & Adaptable Friendly
- Search Component: Search Form and Acute Search
- All Joomla Components Abutment template overrides for:
- Users Component: Login Form, Registration Form, User Profile, Password Reset, Username Reminder,…
- Content Component: Category Blog, Single Article, Category List, List All Categories, Featured Articles, Archived Articles.
- SP Simple Portfolio basic chip and styling
- Easy shortcodes included: Accordion & Toggle, Alert, Animation, Audio, Blockquotes, Blog Grid, Buttons, Call to Action, Carousell, Clients, Columns & Rows, Countdown, Counters, Divider, Dropcap, F.A.Q, Appearance Box, Flickr, Flip Box, Font Icons, Gallery, Google Map, Heading, Hightlight, Images Styling, Lightbox, List, Member, Pie Chart, Pricing Tables, Progress Bars, Spacer, Tabs, Testimonials, Twitter, Weather.
- AcyMailing Newsletter Starter integrated
- K2 Basic Styling: Category Left Sidebar, Category Appropriate Sidebar, Category 2 Columns, Category 3 Columns, Category 4 Columns, User Page Blog, Tag Page Blog, Detail Left Sidebar, Detail Appropriate Sidebar,…
- Akeeba Backup integrated
- Advanced Module Manager integrated
- Kunena 5 Forum Styling
- Unite Revolution Slider (Save $29) included. (15 Sliders Audience Ready)
- Mega Menu Builder: Oscar comes with an Mega Menu congenital so you don’t charge to install third affair plugin to plan with Mega Menus
- Off-Canvas Menu.
- Built With HTML5, CSS3 & Less
- Flexible Module Positions
- 17 Bonus Pages: About Us 1, About Us 2, About Us 3, Our Service 1, Our Service 2, Our Service 3, FAQs 1, FAQs 2, Our Team 1, Our Team 2, Our Team 3, Company History, Careers, Pricing, Intro Page, Page 404, Offline Page.
- Cross browser compatibility
- Font Awesome Icons: (675+ Icons)
- Multiple Headers & Footers: Header 1, Header 2, Header 3, Header 4, Footer 1, Footer 2, Footer 3, Footer 4, Footer 5.
- CSS and JS compression options: Improve acceleration up of your website.
- Logo Option: From template settings you can accept logo blazon and upload logo acclimated alone for adaptable devices.
- Custom Cipher CSS: Use your own custom cipher central custom.css file.
- 800+ Google Fonts
- Multi-languages Support.
- Fast & Lightweight: Optimize your sites loading achievement with congenital enhancement system. Minify, combine, GZIP compression forth with avant-garde accumulation arrangement with amount your website faster than ever.
- Powered by Bootstrap
- Social Share Blog
- Anti-Spam Captcha
- Lifetime Free Updates
- ‘To Top’ Smooth Scroll
- SEO Optimization: Search Engines like Google and Bing can acquisition the appropriate being it needs to, to rank your page correctly.
- Quickstart Package: Install quickstart (Joomla Template, Acclimated Extensions, Audience Content) to get aforementioned website as our audience website after any difficulties
- Well-written Code: Well-structured and commented cipher for simple customization
- Unlimited Colors: Easily actualize your own blush scheme.
- PSD files (Save $12) included.
- Fully documentation: Advice you installing and utilizing
- Awesome Customer Support
- Much more…
Sources and Credits
- Acymailing Starter – https://www.acyba.com
- Kunena 5 – https://www.kunena.org
- T3 framework – http://www.t3-framework.org
- Rokcandy – http://www.rockettheme.com/joomla/extensions/rokcandy
- K2 – https://getk2.org
- SP Simple Portfolio – https://www.joomshaper.com/joomla-extensions/sp-simple-portfolio
- Modules Anywhere (Free Version) – https://www.regularlabs.com/extensions/modulesanywhere
- Virtuemart 3 – http://virtuemart.net
- Advanced Module Manager (Free Version) – https://www.regularlabs.com/extensions/advancedmodulemanager
- Akeeba Backup – https://www.akeebabackup.com
Fonts / Icons:
- Oswald – https://fonts.google.com/specimen/Oswald
- Font Awesome Icon Font – https://fontawesome.com
- Freepik Vector – https://www.freepik.com
- Prata – https://fonts.google.com/specimen/Prata
- Flaticon- https://www.flaticon.com/
- Hind – https://fonts.google.com/specimen/Hind
- Great Vibes – https://fonts.google.com/specimen/Great+Vibes
- Righteous – https://fonts.google.com/specimen/Righteous
- retina.js – http://imulus.github.io/retinajs
- jquery.countTo.js – https://github.com/mhuggins/jquery-countTo
- slick.js – http://kenwheeler.github.io/slick/
- magnific-popup.js – http://dimsemenov.com/plugins/magnific-popup/
- Pixabay
- picjumbo
- Unplash
- Google Images
Note: All these images will NOT be included in purchased package, just for audience purpose
Change Log
Version 1.0.0 – 10 March, 2018
Oscar releasedTags: business, construction, ecommerce joomla template, events, fashion, Four+ Columns, K2, kunena, modern, responsive, retina, rokcandy, shortcodes, spa, T3 framework, virtuemart