ONYX is an ecommerce template like no other. Developed from blemish to be the fastest and lightest template in it’s class. Search engine optimised with semantic and accurate HTML5 and CSS3 markup it’s absolutely adaptable aboriginal architecture is absolute for any blazon of ecommerce website.
- Less than 50kb Total Assets
- 0.27s Page Speed
- Custom Adaptable Menus
- HTML5 Semantic Markup
- No Boostrap
- Validated HTML5 and CSS3
- Rich Snippets Schema.org Markup
- Font Awesome
- Touch Device Compatible Mega Menu
- Fully Supported
- Well Documented
- Mobile First Responsive Design
- Google Fonts
- Cross Browser Compatible
- Search Engine Optimised
- 10 Page Templates
- Retina Ready
Images acclimated in the audience are not included
Tags: blog, css3, ecommerce, fashion, fast, html5, lightweight, multipurpose, responsive, schema, semantic, Two Columns, w3c