Oculus is a absolutely acknowledging Optical Theme that can be acclimated for optical shop, optometry clinic.
Powered by WooCommerce, the a lot of accepted eCommerce belvedere on the web.
Some of the key Theme Features:
Content Builder (Visual Composer – included)Revolution Slider (included)Full Integrated WoocommerceAutomatic theme updatesAmazing parallax furnishings both on rows and contentCompatible with all accepted pluginsRetina accessible design100% acknowledging on every deviceOption to accomplish custom colorsCan accept from 6 icons packagesIntegrated with all a lot of accepted Social MediaAvailable in Full-width, appropriate aftereffect and larboard aftereffect layouts.4+ Beatiful Menu Types3 Blog layoutsInfinite Fonts including Google FontsSeo OptimisedNumerous blog layoutsFooter WidgetsChild Theme includedProvided .mo/ .po files accessible for translationExtensive Theme Documentationand abundant more…
Additional Values:
Visual Composer ($34)Revolution Slider ($19)Layered Popups for WordPress ($19)
One Bang Audience Import:
Easy one bang audience acceptation to get the capital theme files, layouts, sliders and widgetsWooCommerce boutique blueprint with assorted optionsExtremely simple customisable
Fast and accordant abutment on any issues you haveTheme affidavit included and updatingFree updates of all plugins includedEnjoy all the advantages even of Pre-sale supportYou can aswell advance new features
Tags: clinic, Four+ Columns, optical, optical clinic, optical shop, optical store, optics, optics shop, optometry, responsive, shop, store, sunglasses