Nijmegan – a exceptional industrial business HTML Template developed accurately for all types of industry, technique, engineering or accouterment businesses.
Nijmegan is a able acknowledging website template coded with Bootstrap framework. The template comes with a artistic homepage architecture layouts, acknowledging and 15+ accurate HTML files. The architecture is actual affected and modern, and aswell actual simple to adapt with 1170px grid. We achievement so you will feel blessed with them.
It is acceptable for Industrial sites, mechanical, engineering, actinic industry, architecture company, animate factory, Electrician, Plumbing industry and agnate websites. Build your own website with our alarming Nijmegan! Please analysis added advice below;
Features Overview
- Slider Revolution ($14 saved):
Create beauteous slides with altered action furnishings calmly with Revolution Slider
- Responsive Blueprint Design:
What anytime you are application the accessory your website will run as it should be. The Nijmegan template is absolutely acknowledging blueprint for all blazon of devices.
- 15+ Accurate HTML Files :
The Nijmegan template coded with admirable and apple-pie codes! Some able HTML files 100% accurate W3 web standards.
- Custom Blog Templates :
Blogging actual important! We advised admirable blog page templates and custom individual blog styles for your account and updates..
- Bootstrap Framework:
Bootstrap is the a lot of accepted HTML, CSS, and JS framework for developing responsive, adaptable aboriginal projects on the web.
Full Features List
- Advanced Typography
- Blog Pages
- Quick, Dedicated & Able Support
- Built on Bootstrap 3
- Wide & Boxed Layouts
- 100% Fluid Acknowledging – Fits any accessory perfectly
- Well Documented & More….
- Unique furnishings and functionality
- Retina Optimized
- Cross Browser Compatibility
- Awesome Unique Look
- Valid HTML5 & CSS3 Files
- Parallax effect
- Clean & Commented Code
- Flexible Blueprint
- Social Links
- Tested on absolute devices
- Flat, avant-garde and apple-pie design.
- Google font
- Multiple area google map
- Pixel Perfect Design
- Various Post Formats
Please analysis all credits on the affidavit folder. Images not included to the .zip
******************************************************************26.09.2016 Version 1.0******************************************************************Tags: business, commercial, construction, corporate, energy, engineering, Factories, factory, industrial, industry, machinery, manufacturing, power, responsive, small scale industry, Three Columns