Newsri – WordPress Magazine Theme
Theme Features
- Mobile theme Support
- Sticky Menu
- Fully Responsive.
- Support Column Review
- 10 attack styles included
- RTL Support
- 11 column Grid shortcode in Visual Composer
- 4 column Slider shortcode in Visual Composer
- 4 Footer Styles
- Extra elements:
- Social Counter Widget
- 10 Loop posts styles
- Mega-Menu, Icon card and Column Class mega-menu congenital into the theme
- Live AJAX search
- Mailchimp Widget
- One Click Install audience sample data
- Unlimited sidebar: Create and baddest aftereffect for anniversary of your page, post, anniversary class and tag, columnist page.
- 3 Layout Options:Wide, Boxed, Content Boxed.
- Retina and hight analogue ready
- Slide Mobile Menu
- 7 Single column Styles
- 15 column blocks Widget
- WooCommerce support
- 3 Posts paginate: Default with page number, Infinite Scroll and Load More button
- SEO:Schema affluent atom analysis microdata for online writing and reviews
- Support A ambience
- Translation accessible .mp/.po included
- Demo abstracts .xml included
- HTML5 & CSS3
- Clean Code & LESS CSS optimized
- WPML compatible
- Premium Plugins Included
- Slider Revolution Plugin – $18 Value!
- Visual Composer Plugin – $33 Value!
v1.0.0- Initial ReleaseTags: article, blog, editorial, magazine, mega menus, news, newspaper, patterns, publishing, rating, responsive, reviews, Two Columns