About the Landing Page
Moon is a one page solution for a growing startup or freelancer searching to generate added leads! It contains aggregate you ability charge for a acceptable attendance on the internet.
The landing page is responsive (works on all accessories and contains high-definition architecture assets) and contains both a working acquaintance form and a newsletter subscribe form.
Main Features
- MailChimp Subscribe Form (b)
- W3C Validated HTML
- Modern Design
- Bootstrap Based
- Working Acquaintance Form (a)
- Responsive Design
- Well Structured Code and Files
(a) requires a server with PHP and (b) requires the coil PHP action to be enabled.
Files Included
- Documentation in PDF
- Mockup Sketch File
The placeholder images arresting on the reside examination aren’t included on the end arrangement nor on the mockup provided due to absorb rights. All placeholder images are from Unsplash.
This account is supported and the acknowledgment time is up to 1 business day. If you charge added advice alteration and abacus your agreeable don’t alternate to acquaintance us. You can acquisition our email at the end of the documentation file.
We achievement you’ll adore our landing page. Please let us apperceive your assessment by rating this item or by leaving your feedback!
Tags: business, conversion, freelancer, leads, mailchimp, marketing, modern, One Column, presentation, product, responsive, sales, selling, service, software, startup