Moharram is congenital with latest WordPress technology, CSS3, Material Design abstraction and Bootstrap 3+. The apple-pie and different design will affect you. Moharram is a avant-garde WordPress theme that lets you address online writing and blog posts with ease. It’s absolutely acknowledging and adaptable first. It has predefined styling for photographer, creative designer, design agency which can be alien with one click.
Theme Features
- Easily acclimatize page blueprint for announcement shop’s articles page (Fullwidth, with sidebar) and aswell the amount of artefact items you wish to affectation per page.
- One Page functionality. Designate abstracted card for your one page
- Unlimited sidebar Create and baddest aftereffect for anniversary of your page
- Post Formats – Image, Gallery, Video, Audio, Aside, Status, Link, Quote, Classic
- Only One Bang for Importing Audience Contents Quickly and calmly acceptation our audience capacity including pages, posts, sliders, widgets, theme options and added settings with alone one click.
- Drag & Bead Agreeable Builder Create your assorted layouts in a individual page after affecting theme cipher by boring and bottomward our assorted pre-defined agreeable modules including portfolio, gallery, blog, testimonials and etc. Let’s try the able congenital builder.
- Simply change Card Font Color, Card Hover State Font Color, Card Active State Font Color, and Card Bar Border Color.
- Pricing Calmly appearance your package/pricing options in your website. Just accredit this appraisement featured by alone one click. Then, specify currency, exact price, amount per time, appraisement plan features, appraisement button argument and aswell button URL.
- Infinite Annal supports for galleries & portfolios For barter who would like to affectation a ample amount of galleries or portfolios, we created a simple band-aid for you. Now, you can affectation you arcade & portfolio in columns. Once your visitors annal down to the end of page. It will automatically amount new arcade or portfolio items.
- Mega Menu Theme comes with mega card abutment so you can affectation aeronautics links into columns which acquiesce you to adapt ample amount of card items
- Widgets We provided a array of custom widgets to accomplish your activity easier including Custom Class Posts, Custom Flickr, Custom Instagram, Custom Map, Custom Menu, Custom Popular Posts, Custom Recent Posts, Custom Social Profiles, and Custom Twitter. Just annoyance and bead custom widgets to actuate and configure in any sidebars you build.
- Easily access your Copyright Argument and aswell baddest Copyright Right Area Agreeable (Social Icons, Footer Menu)
- Translation Abutment Theme is included .mo and .po accent files. Moreover, theme is accordant with WPML plugin, acceptance you to construe your website to any accent or assorted languages.
- Clean code. No PHP notices and able-bodied documented, No amount changes
- Contact Info Contact Hours and Contact Phone Amount can be set. Moreover, alone one bang is appropriate for aperture Top Bar Social Icons hotlink in new window
- Easily acclimatize the page blueprint for announcement annal page, class page and tag page (Grid, Grid + Right Sidebar, Grid + Left Sidebar, Right Sidebar, Left Aftereffect and abounding width.
- Boxed & Advanced Blueprint Effortlessly baddest the boxed and advanced blueprint in reside customizer which reflect the aftereffect aback to you instantly.
- Custom Styles Custom your styles with custom CSS in theme options. After alteration amount theme, no anguish for advance the theme anymore.
Note : The images and others assets in the audience will not be included in the download file. But, the champ cartoon are included in the download file.
Tags: 4+ column, bootstrap, business, clean, contact form, css3, Four+ Columns, html5, marketing, marketing template, material design, one page, onepage, responsive, startup landing template