Host Material is a acknowledging web hosting WordPress Theme that allows you to barrage your actual own web hosting business in minutes.
Host Material includes one bang install, audience abstracts (with images), Visual Composer, Revolution Slider, WPML Abutment and hundreds of altered options to accomplish it simple to adapt it just how you want.
All you charge to adjudge on is your hosting provider, adapt our theme and you will be up and running, earning acquiescent assets as a web hosting aggregation in no time.
WHMCS Arrangement Included
With aggregate you charge Host Material comes complete with a WHMCS arrangement themed to match. This provides users with a seamless acquaintance from alpha to finish. Supports WHMCS Versions 7.x and 6.x.
Material Hosting WordPress Theme Features
Host Material’s avant-garde architecture ticks all the boxes with aqueous animations that are bent and not cluttered, the focus is on agreeable that has been anxiously advised for web hosting companies website.
- Fully Acknowledging Layout
- Font Awesome Icons
- 3+ Altered Home Page Styles
- Visual Composer Builder
- Google Webfonts
- Optimized for Performance
- Elegant Order Form Slider
- One Bang Install
- Responsive WHMCS Arrangement Included
- Based on Bootstrap 3
- 4+ Hosting Page Layouts
- Demo Abstracts Included
- Revolution Slider
- 2 Beautiful Blog Styles
- Smooth Animations
- WPML Support
- HTML 5 / CSS3
- Working PHP / Ajax Contact Form
- Google Maps Integration
- SEO Friendly
and abundant more!
Material Hosting WordPress Theme V1.0
-Initial Release
If you charge support, amuse forward us a admission application our abutment admission system.
We usually acknowledge to abutment requests aural 24 hours on weekdays, depending on the amount of requests in queue.
Made with adulation by NRGThemes
Tags: cloud hosting, datacenter, dedicated servers, domains, Four+ Columns, hosting, hosting template, html hosting template, material, material hosting template, responsive, shared hosting, vps hosting, web hosting, whmcs hosting template, whmcs template