Listory – HTML Responsive Template for Directory or Yellow page Based on Twitter Bootstrap 3.x.x
- Sticky Header
- Bootstrap v3.3.x
- Autocomplete
- Compatible with the a lot of accepted browsers
- 1000+ chantry icons including font-awesome
- Working acquaintance form
- Fully Responsive
- Ajax Login/Register Modal
Javascript and jQuery:
- Bootstrap Tokenfield Avant-garde tagging/tokenizing plugin for jQuery and Twitter Bootstrap with a focus on keyboard and copy-paste support. – bootstrap-tokenfield.js
- jQuery Placeholder Plugin is plugin that enables HTML5 placeholder behavior for browsers – jquery.placeholder.min.js
- jQuery Validator Plugin is an extends the absence Bootstrap Modal class. Responsive, stackable, ajax and more. – validator.min.js
- Bootstrap’s JavaScript components – bootstrap.min.js
- Handlebars provides the ability all-important to let you body semantic templates finer with no frustration. – handlebars.min.js
- jQuery UI Timepicker is a jQuery UI time picker plugin congenital to bout with added official jQuery UI widgets. Based on the absolute date picker, it will alloy accurately with your anatomy and use your called jQuery UI theme. The plugin is actual simple to accommodate in your anatomy for time (hours / minutes) inputs. – jquery.ui.timepicker.js
- Bootstrap Rating is a jQuery plugin that creates a appraisement ascendancy that uses Bootstrap glyphicons for appraisement symbols. – bootstrap-rating.js
- typeahead.js is a fast and fully-featured autocomplete library – typeahead.bundle.min.js
- jQuery Wow Plugin is for absolute animations if you scroll. It’s shoule be acclimated with Animate.css – wow.min.js
- SumoGallery is a admirable and ablaze jquery fullscreen angel arcade with thumbnails.jquery.sumogallery.js
- jQuery Waypoints is the easiest way to activate a action if you annal to an element. – jquery.waypoints.min.js
- Select2 – The jQuery backup for baddest boxes select2.full.js
- jQuery SmoothScroll Plugin is experiencing for websites for abrasion wheel, keyboard and touchpad scrolling- SmoothScroll.min.js
- jQuery SlickNav Plugin is responsive adaptable card – jquery.slicknav.min.js
- jQuery Abatement Plugin is a jQuery plugin from GSGD to accord avant-garde abatement options. – jquery.easing.1.3.js
- DropzoneJS is an accessible antecedent library that provides drag’n’drop book uploads with angel previews. – dropzone.min.js
- Map Icons is a An figure chantry for use with Google Maps API and
- EasyAutocomplete is a a jquery autocomplete plugin. It has a lot of agreement options: supports bounded and limited abstracts json xml, custom css styles, and sojquery.easy-autocomplete.js
- Main plugins – jquery-2.2.4.min.js
- RichMarker A Google Maps JavaScript API account library – richmarker-compiled.js
- jQuery Countimator Activated adverse – jquery.countimator.js
- jQuery Glossy Plugin is absolutely responsive carousel – slick.min.js
- jQuery UI is a curated set of user interface interactions, effects, widgets, and capacity congenital on top of the jQuery JavaScript Library. – jquery-ui.min.js
- Bootstrap Modal is a convenient HTML5 anatomy validation jQuery plugin for Bootstrap 3 – bootstrap-modal.js and bootstrap-modalmanager.js
- Bootstrap-select is a jQuery plugin that utilizes Bootstrap’s dropdown.js to appearance and accompany added functionality to accepted baddest elements.bootstrap-select.js
- Bootstrap3 wysihtml5 Simple, admirable wysiwyg editor – bootstrap3-wysihtml5.min.js
- Responsive grid is a plugin that automatically re-arranges filigree items as the window’s admeasurement changed.jquery.responsivegrid.js
- jQuery Migrate – jquery-migrate-1.2.1.min.js
- Ion.RangeSlider is a jQuery-plugin Easy, adjustable and responsive ambit slider with derma abutment – ion.rangeSlider.min.js
- jQuery IntroLoader Plugin is a jQuery plugin for accomplish activated addition loading pages – jquery.introLoader.min.js
- Images Grid Images filigree jQuery plugin – images-grid.js
- jQuery InfoBox Plugin a plugin to adapt google map infowindow – infobox.js
- jQuery Circuit Plugin is a plugin that dynamically creates spinning action indicators that can be acclimated as resolution-independent backup for AJAX loading GIFs. – spin.min.js
- Main template scripts – – custom.js you ability adapt in the book if you wish to change to plugin options or settings
- jQuery Instagram Baddest and appearance a account of Instagram photos. – instagram.min.js
Credits and Sources:
- Themify Icons
- Rivolicons
- Ionicons
- Rivolicons
- Ventures by Freepik from FlatIcon
- Hind Vadodara Font
- Iconfinder
- Web UI by Freepik from FlatIcon
- Icon Works by Figure Works from FlatIcon
- Several images from pixabayand pexels beneath Creative Commons license
- Font Awesome
- Stroke Gap Icons
- Pixeden Stroke 7 Figure Chantry Set
- Open Sans Font
- Elegant Figure Font
- 100 Elegant Line Appearance Icons.
- Streamline Outline by Webalys Freebies from FlatIcon
- Outicons by Anton Saputro from FlatIcon
- Merriweather Font
(Note: All images are just for audience purpose alone and NOT included in the final acquirement files)
Tags: ads, advertising, booking, business, classified, classified ads, directory, Four+ Columns, listing, responsive, yellow page