Konstro is a Construction & Business HTML5 Template advised accurately for Construction, Building Services, Architectonics Engineering, industry, construction company, automated technique, engineering and added Construction accompanying services. It could be a absolute best for construction and architectonics companies as it provides a alarming different architecture aswell with accomplished customizable features.
This template has been activated on all web browsers & blueprint looks admirable at any size, be it a laptop screen, iPad, iPhone, Android Mobile or tablets. Plus, Construct includes abundant certificate for customization options that allows you to change the beheld appearance of any elements.
Template Appearance
- Woocommerce integration
- Cross-browser Compatibility
- Twitter Bootstrap 3
- Owl carousel
- 38 HTML files
- Well Documentation
- Font Alarming icons
- Full Responsive Template
- Social Media integration
- Six Different Home pages aswell with a Onepage
- Valid HTML and CSS markup
- Google font
- Used activating Contact Form
- HTML5 & CSS3
- Excellent customizable features.
- And abounding added features…
- Smooth animation
- Google Map Integrated
- Bootstrap
- Google Web Fonts
- www.pexels.com
- www.pixabay.com
Icons Used:
- Flaticon
- Fontawesome
Note: If you acquirement this template, you will get abutment for a activity time. We will amend this template time by time and we wish to apprehend your wishes for the approaching updates or for complete new templates.
Important: Image are just acclimated alone for audience purpose and not included in the download version.
Tags: architecture, builder, building, cleaning services, construction, construction business, construction company, contractor, electrician, engineer, Four+ Columns, handyman, painter, plumber, renovation, responsive